02/12/2022 | Writer: Selma Koçak

Pink Life announced its consultancy supports provided in November.

110 consultancy services from Pink Life in November Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+

Pink Life LGBTI+ Solidarity Association provided total 110 consultancy services for twelve days in November.

The advisory hotlines provided 64 psychological consultancy services over twelve days, they were available in November. 17 sessions of written counseling and 32 sessions of telephone counseling were provided under the Psychological Counseling Department of the association. 15 sessions of online/face-to-face psychological counseling support were provided. Ankara was the province from where the maximum number of applicants were received, and military service and general mental health were the most common counseling issues.

As for the Legal Advisory Hotline, total 46 consultancy services were provided in November. 8 sessions of written counseling, 38 sessions of telephone counseling were provided under Legal Advisory Hotline. Petition support for the change of name and military service were the most common issues, provided counseling service in November.

Tags: life