Pride Month on Campuses 2024: Implicit oppression replaced explicit bans, intimidation policies replaced police intervention Writer: Kaos GL
KYK left unanswered the question whether LGBTI+ activist students were dismissed from dormitories Writer: Kaos GL
Religious Affairs targeted LGBTI+ people in its Friday sermon again after a month-long break Writer: Kaos GL
Kaos GL asked the Ministry of Health: ‘Is “reparative therapy” practised in public and private hospitals?’ Writer: Kaos GL
Rights violations against LGBTI+ persons in January: “Year of the Family” that brings discrimination Writer: Defne Güzel
Kaos GL asked Bursa Metropolitan Municipality: 'Do you have works to increase the access of LGBTI+'s to employment supports?' Writer: Kaos GL
Kaos GL asked Antalya Metropolitan Municipality: 'Do LGBTI+ people in poverty benefit from the social aids provided by the municipality?' Writer: Kaos GL
Ministry of Labor responds to the question of discrimination against LGBTI+s without saying LGBTI+ Writer: Kaos GL
Women and LGBTI+'s commemorated 6 February: ‘We will not forget the lubunyas in the earthquake’ Writer: Kaos GL