01/06/2022 | Writer: Kaos GL
I have always been keen on kitsch aesthetics due to its connections with queer culture, its class context and simply its visual style.

An interview with Şafak Şule Kemancı by Nergis Abıyeva:
“I have always been keen on kitsch aesthetics due to its connections with queer culture, its class context and simply its visual style. For example, if a kitsch object is to be bought, we always buy three of it, otherwise there may be a fight or thievery between my mother, my sister and I and hearts can be broken! (laughs) Walter Benjamin observes that there is no critical distance between the observer and the kitsch object, and therefore it is able to provide a momentary emotional satisfaction without requiring any intellectual effort. From this point of view, there may be kitsch elements in my work, as it is important for me that my work is both visually and emotionally accessible by everyone (regardless of whom). But rather than being defined by a certain aesthetic style, want my work to belong to another world and be familiar to us from a very deep, personal place.”
Click here for the full interview.
Tags: arts and culture