13/02/2023 | Writer: Selma Koçak
LGBTI+ organizations in Ankara were organized to fulfill the needs of LGBTI+s from the earthquake region and LGBTI+ refugees in solidarity with them.
Photo: Ateş Alpar
LGBTI+ organizations in Ankara were organized to fulfill the needs of LGBTI+s from the earthquake region and LGBTI+ refugees in solidarity with them. They also gathered to organize solidarity with LGBTI+s, who are still in the region, and to mobilize sources.
If you want to be in solidarity with lubunyas / queers coming to Ankara from the earthquake zone or still living in the region, you may send an e-mail to ankaralubunyadayanismasi@gmail.com including your name, surname, phone number and the way you may support.
You can follow Ankara LGBTI+ Deprem Dayanışması (Ankara LGBTI+ Earthquake Solidarity) on Twitter and Instagram.
You can do the followings:
You can give LGBTI+s from the region and LGBTI+ refugees the run of your house.
You can offer furniture and domestic utensils support during setting up a home (in this case, you can share the list of items you may provide via e-mail.)
In case of preferring to provide clothing support you can contact Pink Life Dilek İnce Wardrobe.
LGBTI+s coming from earthquake region may need smart phones, battery charges and laptops.
Announcement to LGBTI+s coming to Ankara from earthquake regions
As LGBTI+ organizations in Ankara, we organized with the aim of fulfilling the needs of LGBTI+s coming from earthquake regions and LGBTI+ refugees by being in solidarity with them. We also gathered for organizing solidarity with LGBTI+s, who are still at the region, and in order to mobilize sources.
If you came from earthquake zone or if you have difficulties in fulfilling your needs at the region you may send e-mail to ankaralubunyadayanismasi@gmail.com.
Supports for LGBTI+ refugees by Kaos GL:
Our e-mail for providing counseling to LGBTI+ refugees is refugee@kaosgl.org.
If you prefer to receive counseling in Farsi you may call 0545 340 82 12 on Tuesdays between 10.00-18.00.
If you prefer to receive counseling in Arabic, English or Turkish, please call 0541 720 79 23 on Thursdays between 10.00-18.00.
Supports for LGBTI+ refugees by Red Umbrella Sexual Health and Human Rights Association:
Red Umbrella / Positive Life Association – Key Refugee Groups Project Hot Line: 0850 888 05 39
0534 010 95 98 (Legal counseling)
0545 347 57 27 (Sexual and Reproductive Health Hotline for Sex Workers)
0539 822 32 30 (Social Service)
0850 244 12 75 (Routing system where all counseling lines are collected)
May 17 Association
For general contact: info@17mayis.org
For Social Service Support: sosyalhizmet@17mayis.org
May 17 Association will support LGBTI+s coming from the earthquake region to benefit from public services.
You can also reach general application form for psychological and legal support at www.17mayis.org.
Pink Life LGBTI+ Solidarity Association
Legal counseling (Legal counseling for all kind of discrimination and violence targeting LGBTI+s)
Psychological Counseling
Dilek İnce Wardrobe (Clothing support for LGBTI+s)
Tags: life