31/01/2023 | Writer: Selma Koçak

Nedime Erdoğan from Ankara Rainbow Families Association (GALADER) evaluated the consensus text on common policies of Nation Alliance.

“As a mother, I condemn the consensus text, in which LGBTI+ rights are disregarded, of the Nation Alliance” Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+

Six opposition parties consisting of Nation Alliance, announced their Consensus on Common Policies Text that includes their targets regarding state governance and economy, reforms, policies and projects.

LGBTI+ rights were not included within the scope of 240-page text, which was announced at an event yesterday (January 30). Reactions against the text, which is also lack of ‘gender’ concept and the İstanbul Convention, were immediately received.

“LGBTI+s were once again isolated”

Nedime Erdoğan from Ankara Rainbow Families Association (GALADER), evaluated the consensus text on common policies of Nation Alliance to KaosGL.org. Stating that they followed the whole event from the very beginning with the hope of hearing something within the scope of the speeches even if they didn’t write Erdoğan said, “However only one person mentioned the İstanbul Convention. And it wasn’t in the text anyway.”

Erdoğan evaluated the consensus text as follows:

“I followed it with astonishment and sadness. I realized once again the importance of self-struggle for LGBTI+s and how significant the support of family and women’s organizations is for them. They left us alone. I condemn the fact that they didn’t say even a single word in an atmosphere where discrimination against LGBTI+s topped out, both as a mother and as a representative of a family organization. It is unacceptable that there isn’t even an implication against discrimination and hate speech.”

Remarking that LGBTI+s were once again isolated against the attacks of the government via the text, Erdoğan continued as follows:

“I have always felt in my heart how LGBTI+s are isolated. We see that this will go on. I think everyone who has put the LGBTI+ issue on the agenda, should reevaluate the issue heedfully. Unfortunately, Nation Alliance, as it is, doesn’t promise hope.”

LGBTI+s are not mentioned even once on 240 pages

The comprehensive text doesn’t include a single sentence regarding LGBTI+ rights, equality of LGBTI+s, discrimination, hate speech or hate crimes.

“Sex, ethnic origin, religion, settlement, state of heath and socioeconomic circumstances” are regarded while discussing struggle against discrimination under different headings within the scope of the text. Sexual orientation and gender identity are not mentioned and listed among causes of discrimination. Moreover, forms of discrimination is limited by not adding “and etc.” afterwards.

.According to the consensus text, Table of Six, six opposition parties, promises to reconstitute “Ministry of Family and Social Services” into “Ministry of Woman, Family and Children”. However returning to the İstanbul Convention, which was revoked by presidential decree, is not among the promises of the alliance.

On the other side, “We are going to prioritize protecting and safeguarding the family institution” statement takes place as a principle under the part subtitled “Family and Child” of the text.

Another remarkable detail regarding the text is preferring to use “sex equality” instead of “gender equality”. 

Tags: human rights