08/04/2024 | Writer: Kaos GL

The prosecutor submitted his opinion on the merits in the seventh hearing of the Boğaziçi Pride March case.

Boğaziçi Pride March case was postponed to October 4th Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+

Photo: MLSA

The seventh hearing of the Boğaziçi Pride March case, in which 70 students, including a journalist, detained under torture during 9th Boğaziçi Pride March on May 20 in 2022, are being prosecuted due to attending the march, was held at the İstanbul 58th Criminal Court of First Instance on April 5th.

Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA), U.S. Embassy, İstanbul Bar Association Human Rights Center and Civic Space Studies Association followed the hearing.

MLSA provided updates on the hearing via its social media accounts.

MLSA reported that the prosecutor delivered his opinion during the hearing, advocating for the conviction of all defendants, with the exception of the deceased student, on charges of “participating in illegal gatherings and marches without weapons, and failing to disperse spontaneously despite warnings.”

Furthermore, the prosecutor clarified that the words “You are a fascist,” cited as the basis for the “insult” accusation against a student, did not amount to a criminal offense and advocated for their acquittal. However, the prosecutor sought punishment for the same student and another individual on the charge of “resisting the police and preventing them to carry out their duty”.

The court granted the lawyers’ request for additional time for preparing the defense against the prosecutor’s counter-argument and postponed the hearing to October 4 at 10:00 am.

Tags: human rights