04/08/2023 | Writer: Kaos GL
Green Left Party Diyarbakır Deputy Sevilay Çelenk, criticized The Radio and Television Supreme Council’s censorship on digital platforms.

Green Left Party Diyarbakır Deputy Sevilay Çelenk evaluated The Radio and Television Supreme Council - RTÜK's censorship on digital platforms in an interview with Evrensel Gazetesi.
Answering Gözde Tüzer's questions, Çelenk used the following expressions: "We share the world we live in with LGBT+ individuals. They exist in this world, and they have the right to present and include their narratives, issues, and loves in the world they live in."
Çelenk stated that TV series and films on digital platforms should not promote hate speech, hate crimes, violence, or explicit encouragement of crime, and they should not contain pedophilia or normalize it.
She also mentioned, "Digital platforms already have their own limits regarding productions containing pornography. For example, films like 'Blue Is the Warmest Colour' and 'Nymphomaniac,' which are defined as art films, are not subject to censorship. However, these productions inform the audience about their content of eroticism. Therefore, RTÜK's intervention in digital platforms may solely aim to be intimidating in terms of broadcasting with high fines. They cannot prevent the audience from accessing them; if the audience cannot reach them through platforms like Netflix, they eventually find a way through pirate channels."
Tags: media, arts and culture