28/01/2013 | Writer: Ali Erol
It’s been two years since David Kato was beaten to death in his house in Kampala in 26 January 2011. Kato was a defender of LGBT rights in Uganda.
It’s been two years since David Kato was beaten to death in his house in Kampala in 26 January 2011. Kato was a defender of LGBT rights in Uganda.
David’s murder is imprisoned now for the punishment of 30 years.
Frank Mugisha from Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) said that they still received threats but added that it was not a new development. Upon the death anniversary of David Kato, Frank Mugisha told Kaos GL that the threats were not more that the past’s.
From the angle of LGBT Community, that David Kato’s family have been doing something for him looks significant and valuable. “We are trying to reach all families and we hope the change will come into realization” said Frank Mugisha. Mugisha said they developed an intense relationship with Kato’s family and strived for sharing the same sensitivity with other LGBT parents and families.
It has been discussed that the main killers of Kato were the government and the American evangelists. Though Mugisha stated that he had nothing to say on this comment, he told that to some extent, homophobia had to do with Kato’s murder.
Frank Mugisha told about the law bill considered as the sword of Damocles for the LGBT community in Uganda that the bill had not passed yet and it was still debated. Once passed, some of its articles could be applicable, some not but this bill would be used to threaten and assimilate the LGBTs.
“We have to fight togehter to prevent homosexuality from being a crime before the laws and to end ignorance through education” said SMUG representative Frank Mugisha upon our question about how a regional solidarity in Africa can be established.
Call Me Kuchu on !f Rainbow Film Festival
“Call me Kuchu”, the story of David Kato, is among the movies that will be displayed on !f Rainbow, crying out ‘No ban on Love’ and making room for ‘All loves and life styles’.
“One year after the shooting of the documentary started and three weeks after the activists’ victory in court, David Kato was killed. “Call me Kuchu” is full of courage and life and it is fascinating. It is also a powerful documentary which calls us for action. Even if the movie demonstrates the dark side, it gives us an opinion about where the light will come from”.
Translation: Ali And Maybek / Kaos GL
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