20/03/2014 | Writer: Kaos GL

Kaos GL Association announced its policy brief regarding combating discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity within local administration before the local elections to be held on March 30th.

Kaos GL Announces Local Administrations Policy Before the Local Elections Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+
Kaos GL Association announced its policy brief regarding combating discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity within local administration before the local elections to be held on March 30th.  
The brief draws attention to the demands of the association regarding various fields such as right to speak, support to civil society, work life and social support.
"We want the whole "city", not gay ghettos! Viva gay love!"
All the demands mentioned in the policy brief are as follows:
Dialogue:  By assigning a unit and/or personnel and publicizing it; the Municipality shall ensure constant communication with civil society organizations that work on sexual orientation or gender identity.
Right to speak: The Municipality shall promote the participation of lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans (LGBT) citizens and LGBT organizations to relevant meetings of the Municipal Council, Working Commissions of the Municipal Council and the City Council.
Public sector - civil society collaboration: The Municipality shall promote its relevant units, centers or City Council to design and implement joint projects or activities together with civil society organizations working on sexual orientation or gender identity.
Facilitation: The Municipality shall facilitate in establishing dialogue between LGBT organizations and political party centers or other appropriate central and local administrations.
Promoting human rights
Support to civil society: The Municipality shall commit that LGBT organizations are able to use physical facilities of the municipality that are allocated for the use of civil society. 
Networking: A communication network shall be created for the use of LGBT municipal officials or existing networks shall be acknowledged and supported.   
Work life: The Municipality develops policies and brings measures to ensure LGBT workers’ equality during recruitment and promotion. The Municipality announces this policy explicitly, especially in job advertisements regarding municipal government units. The Municipality seeks to ensure a lawful quota regarding LGBT personnel. The Municipality seeks to collaborate with trade unions and employers regarding rights of LGBT workers. Any vocational courses or trainings given by the Municipality shall promote the participation of LGBT citizens.
Social support: The Municipal policies and mechanisms on social support, protection from violence, health care and social services shall be convenient and suitable for LGBT citizens and non-citizens from all age groups. The Municipality announces this policy explicitly. 
Culture and freedom of expression: Culture-art centers and social centers that are operated by the Municipality shall address issues of sexual orientation or gender identity within their performance; or these centers provide space for relevant activities of third parties.
Combat against discrimination
Legislation and policies:The Municipality shall amend its internal legislation and policies on equality and ethics with regard to protection on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity. (i.e. regulations on gender equality or equal treatment, etc.) The Municipality prevents victimization of LGBT persons (citizen or non-citizen) during urban transformation processes.
Internal Education: The Municipality shall provide educational programs on diversity of sexual orientations and gender identities, equality, social justice and prohibition of discrimination; for its relevant units and personnel.
Public information: The Municipality shall provide space on its existing press, media and internet spaces for information on sexual orientation, gender identity, equality and prohibition of discrimination.
Mainstreaming: The Municipality shall declare its commitment and criteria regarding combat against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in its relations with third parties, such as contractors and suppliers.
The Municipality ensures wide spread dissemination of this policy by means of all possible instruments and methods. 

Tags: life