30/09/2014 | Writer: Kaos GL
Kaos GL Magazine, the leading LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex) politics magazine in Turkey, calls for articles for its new issue.

Kaos GL Magazine, the leading LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex) politics magazine in Turkey, calls for articles for its new issue. November-December 2014 issue of the magazine will investigate the legitimization of modern, nuclear family.
Is a different kind of family possible?
As there are more and more conferences held in Turkey on protecting the family, the magazine opens the myth of “happy family” to discussion. How does this family made up of a mother, a father and kids become so normalized?
The next issue of the magazine will focus on the question “is a different kind of family possible?”
Not assuming that there is only one kind of family, the issue will delve into the topics of biological family, forced heterosexuality, motherhood, sexual harassment from a perspective of age, class, gender and sexual orientation.
You can send your articles to editor@kaosgl.org until October 10, 2014.
Tags: human rights, family