23/11/2022 | Writer: Selma Koçak

Keskesor LGBTI+ announced that they had been organized in Van and Dersim.

Keskesor LGBTI+, is organized in Van and Dersim Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+

Keskesor Amed LGBTI+, which has been struggling for LGBTI+ rights for ten years, is being organized with LGBTI+s in Van and Dersim from now on.

Keskesor LGBTI+, came together frequently with LGBTI+s living in Dersim, Kars, Antep, Malatya and Van, the regional cities, in its first year. Following the gatherings, Platform Against Homophobia and Transphobia in Kars, Dersim Roştîya Asme LGBTI+, Antep Zeugmadi LGBTI+, Malatya Youth Initiative Against Homophobia and Transphobia, and Van Ah Tamara LGBTI+ Initiative was established. In addition, LGBTI+ meetings were held in Elazığ, Bingöl, Mardin and Batman.

 “Following the termination of solution, peace and dialogue process in 2015, the activities of LGBTI+ organizations in the cities except Amed, came to a standstill due to the ever-increasing oppression and attacks against LGBTI+ activists.” says the organization.

Following a two-year cessation, Keskesor Amed LGBTI+, came together again in May 2022 by carrying out a 3-day QueerFest in Diyarbakır in partnership with Pink Life.

Today, Keskesor Amed LGBTI+ announced that they had decided to spread their organizational work by connecting LGBTI+s living in the provinces in the region and as result of the decision, Van Ah Tamara LGBTI+ Initiative and Dersim Roştîya Asme LGBTI+were established.

Tags: life