30/01/2012 | Writer: Kaos GL

Members of Pembe Hayat and Kaos GL visited CHP (Republican People’s Party) deputies in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

LGBT Associations’ Members meet CHP Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+
Members of Pembe Hayat and Kaos GL visited CHP (Republican People’s Party) deputies in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
The meeting under the chairwomanship of Aylin Nazlıaka, CHP Ankara deputy and member of TGNA EU Harmonization Commission, took place today (12 Jan.) and lasted one hour.
Along with Nazlıaka, 6 CHP deputies including CHP Izmir deputy Rıza Türmen, Istanbul deputies Şafak Pavey and Ayşe Danışoğlu, Bursa deputies Sena Kaleli and Aykan Erdemir attended the meeting.
CHP Istanbul deputies Binnaz Toprak and Sedef Küçük from the “Commission of Man-Woman Equality of Opportunity” joined the meeting as well.
“No Annex Enough for 10.Article, Discrimination forbidden”
Members of Pembe Hayat and Kaos GL shared their constitutuional demands, explaining the problems of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgenders (LGBTs) about sexual orientation and sexual identity.
In such a process when new constitutional discussions fly around, CHP Ankara deputy Aylin Nazlıaka hosting members of LGBTs associations stated that CHP stood by LGBTs against discrimination based on sexual orientation and sexual identity and would continue to support the demands of LGBTs associations.
Aykan Erdemir, member of EU Harmonization Commission, reminded that CHP had covered sexual orientation in its election bulletin and said that it would not be enough to include LGBTs associations’ demand in the 10. Article and a new layout banning all types of discriminations, including sexual orientation and sexual identity, should be prepared.
Thanking to CHP deputies for accepting, Buse Kılıçkaya and Kemal Ördek from Pembe Hayat, Hayriye Kara and Ali Erol from Kaos GL said that they would follow the efforts and expect the support in the fight against discrimination and inequality.
Deputies ready in the Meeting
Aylin Nazlıaka, CHP Ankara deputy, Member of EU Harmonization Commission
Rıza Türmen, CHP İzmir deputy, Member of Constitutional Reconciliation Commission
Şafak Pavey, CHP İstanbul deputy, Member of EU Harmonization Commission
Sena Kaleli, CHP Bursa deputy
Aykan Erdemir, CHP Bursa deputy, Member of EU Harmonization Commission
Sedef Küçük, CHP İstanbul deputy, Member of Man-Woman Equality of Opportunity Commission
Binnaz Toprak, CHP İstanbul deputy, Member of Man-Woman Equality of Opportunity Commission
Ayşe Danışoğlu, CHP İstanbul deputy, Member of EU Harmonization Commission

Tags: life