27/07/2023 | Writer: Selma Koçak
Netflix, Disney +, Prime Video, MUBI, BeIN and Blu TV were exposed to sanctions imposed by RTÜK. While the justifications of the fines are “imagining an alternative world based on gender”, “crossing the limits of sexuality and gender”, “including LGBTQ+ items”, RTÜK also convoked the platforms for a meeting in September.

Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) imposed sanctions on digital platforms Netflix, Disney +, Prime Video, MUBI, BeIN and BluTV.
“Social and cultural values”, “Turkish family structure”, “morality”, “LGBTIQ+”, “homosexuality”, “knowing no bounds regarding gender, sexuality and relations” and “imagining an alternative world based on gender” were among the justifications of the censorship.
Radio Television Supreme Court negotiated the evaluation reports and the meeting resulted in administrative fines at the upper limit.
Netflix was fined due to “imagining an alternative world based on gender”
The Supreme Council finalized two separate files of Netflix. The first report was on the production titled “The Mother”. The fine was justified as follows in the evaluation report:
“The facts that the film knows no bounds of gender, sexuality and relationships, imagines an alternative and ideal world based on gender, changes the universal family structure and shows highly obscene scenes in detail, and normalizes an even defines all these as ‘wholesome’ has been judged to violate the principle of protecting the family.”
Approving the findings in the report, RTÜK decided to impose an administrative fine on Netflix at the upper limit.
Netflix was also fined due to the series titled "Élite". The Supreme Court decided that Netflix violated the provision “Broadcasting services cannot be contrary to the national and the moral values of society, general morality and the principle of protection of the family.”
The “inclusion of homosexual relations” was also one of the reasons given for the administrative fines imposed on “The Mother” and "Élite".
Disney+ and Prime were fined on the grounds of “morality”
The Disney+ series “Love, Victor” was also on RTÜK’s agenda. Season 2, episode 4 of the series was penalized based on the report which claims that the series “includes disturbing an immoral behaviors”. The platform was fined at the upper limit.
Amazon Prime Video was also fined and the RTÜK decided to impose the upper limit fine on the broadcaster for the production entitled “Modern Love” on the grounds that it was “contrary to the moral values of society and the principal of protection of the family”.
MUBI penalized for lesbianism, BluTV penalized for “LGBTQ+ items”
The films on MUBI entitled “Le Lycéen” and “Room in Rome”, in which the main characters are lesbians, also had their share of fines from RTÜK . Both films were deemed as “contrary to the principles of broadcasting due to the scenes including distorted relationships and obscenity”.
The Supreme Council impose administrative fines on BluTV series "The Book Of Queer" for “containing LGBTQ+ items” and on the movie “Lost Highway” broadcast on beIN MOVIES STARS on the grounds that “Broadcasting services cannot be contrary to the national and the moral values of society, general morality and the principle of protection of the family.”
Fines didn’t satisfy, RTÜK convoked platforms for a meeting
In addition to the administrative fines, RTÜK decided to invite broadcasters to Ankara in September for a comprehensive meeting with digital internet platforms on broadcasting policy in relation to issues such as “the Turkish family structure, national spiritual values and the indivisible integrity of Turkey”.
Tags: media, arts and culture