14/06/2024 | Writer: Kaos GL

The Colors of Resistance in Izmir announced Yağmahan’s release on their social media accounts, saying, “Our friends who were arrested on fabricated evidence are free.”

Selman Yağmahan, a member of the Colors of Resistance has been released Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+

Selman Yağmahan was detained in Izmir on May 15 for his involvement in the Van protests and was arrested on May 18 after being detained for three days.

Colors of Resistance announced his release with the following statement:

“Our friend Selman and 8 prisoners are free! Our friends who were arrested unlawfully and on fabricated evidence are now free!”

What happened?

In Izmir, 19 people, including Selman Yağmahan, a member of Izmir Colors of Resistance, were detained on May 15th for their involvement in the Van protests.

Colors of Resistance shared the following statements on their social media platforms following the detentions:

“Yesterday morning, 19 people in Izmir, among them our friend Selman from Colors of Resistance, were detained in a house raid under the pretext of their participation in the Van protests.

We stand in solidarity with all our friends who have been detained for standing up for the will of the people of Van.

These acts of pressure against LGBTQ+ individuals, revolutionaries, and the Kurdish community will not deter our struggle. It is not a crime to support the will of the people of Van, who resist the imposition of a trustee, and to stand in solidarity with all marginalized groups. We demand the immediate release of our friends!”

Tags: human rights