02/05/2014 | Writer: Kaos GL

Tamara Adrian, one of the main speakers of Kaos GL’s Anti-Homophobia Meeting, will be in Ankara on May 17.

Trans Activist and Lawyer Tamara Adrian to Speak in Ankara for the IDAHO-T Event Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+
Tamara Adrian, one of the main speakers of Kaos GL’s Anti-Homophobia Meeting, will be in Ankara on May 17.
Trans activist, chair of IDAHO-T (International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia) Committee, lawyer and professor of law Adrian will give a speech entitled “Equal Rights in the Fight against Heterosexism: The Lessons of History of Racism and Sexism” at the 9th International Anti-Homophobia Meeting.
Adrian: No Social Change without Equal Rights
Tamara Adrian tells her speech to be given at Ankara University’s ATAUM Prof. Dr. Necdet Serin Conference Hall as follows:
Equal rights are not synonymous of profound social change, insofar we are talking about intolerance, exclusion and violence. But without equal rights it is practically impossible to provoke such social changes. This should be the main lesson of comparing equal racial or gender rights, and fight against racism and sexism: as long as racial segregation or gender segregation is established in the laws, it is almost impossible to overcome racism and sexism. Equal rights may conduct, in the long term, to a social change. But this social change is impossible to achieve without equal rights. The same situation occurs with homophobia and transphobia: in the countries where equal rights had been achieved, we may observe a positive social change that reduces violence and exclusion. Because full citizenship can only be attained, when and where all the rights are fully granted and respected, not only in the law but also in the facts.  
The 9th International Anti-Homophobia Meeting is funded by SIDA, the Norwegian Embassy and the “Don’t Hate Me” project jointly run by Kaos GL and Pink Life associations. 

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