25/07/2013 | Writer: Atlas Sibel Arslan

A transfobic attack took place on Tuesday in the neighborhood ‘Meis’ belonging to the district called ‘Avcilar’ in İstanbul.

Transfobic Attacks Continue in İstanbul’s Avcilar District Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+
A transfobic attack took place on Tuesday in the neighborhood “Meis” belonging to the district called “Avcilar” in İstanbul.
A trans-woman named Elçin Avcılar was seriously battered by Tuğrul Selçuk, one of the alleged criminals in Meis lawsuit. Avcılar was severely injured in her face and body.In the last few years the neighborhood “Meis” in “Avcilar” became known for attacks against trans people.
There was no police inquiry!
The lawyer Rozerin Seda Kip who follows the Meis lawsuit said that the aggressive treatment of Avcilar will be added to the file of the Meis lawsuit.
Despite an official complaint having made, the police didn´t question anyone about the occurrence. Kip said that they will make another complaint.
“The pictures shared might hurt Elçin Avcılar”
Kip told kaosGL.org that Elçin Avcılar was threatened with death while she was being beaten with a stick. The lawyer also uttered that the pictures and records related to the case should not be shared as they might hurt Elçin Avcılar.
Translation: Beste Ada 

Tags: life