30/10/2013 | Writer: Nevin Öztop

EU MPs Lunacek and Cashman evaluated the 2014 EU elections and the place of associate member countries in EU’s future.

Ulrike Lunacek and Michael Cashman: EU’s Future and Enlargement Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+
EU MPs Lunacek and Cashman evaluated the 2014 EU elections and the place of associate member countries in EU’s future.
Co-Presidents of LGBT Intergroup of the European Parliament Ulrike Lunacek and Michael Cashman were the speakers at the panel “The Next European Parliament: What’s at Sake?” on October 26. The panel was organized as a part of ILGA-Europe’s 17th annual conference with the theme “Family matters!”.  
Cashman described the struggles within the EU Parliament as a “battle”: “Being in the EU Parliament is a battle that never goes away. What happens in member countries as well as third countries should be brought to the attention of EU and be condemned. The rights of women and LGBTs should be pushed up into the agenda. In countries like Turkey, Russia, Uganda, LGBT right should not only be defended but also promoted.”
Lunacek expressed her concerns over the conservative initiatives taking place within the Parliament: “Even those inside the Parliament, countries like Lithuania where talking about homosexuality in front of youngster is banned, wish to push us back.”
Speaking on the pending EU membership of Turkey, Cashman added: “Turkey has to be a member. It has to be. It has been waiting for membership for the past 40 years. It has to meet the Copenhagen Criteria.”
“Don’t forget that we in Europe also need to combat Islamophobia and racism. People cannot just bring immigrants to boost economy and industry after the 2nd World War and try to get rid of them.”
“We should also always remember that the least organized and the least vocal religion on attacking LGBTs is Islam. We should always remember that.”  

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