22/06/2012 | Writer: Nevin Öztop

Xheni Karaj: ‘I am sure the US Embassy did not organize this event because Albania was the best place for LGBTs’ rights and to get other countries become like ourselves. There is so much to be accomplished in Albania.’

U.S. Government Sponsored Regional LGBT Workshop in Tirana Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+
On June 14-15, The US government has sponsored its first regional workshop on LGBTs in Tirana with the participation of NGOs and representatives in the Balkans. Participants have experienced two days of panel discussions, film screenings and media displays.
The opening of the event was made by US Ambassador to Albania Alexander Arvizu, the Major of Tirana Lulzim Basha and People’s Advocate representative Igli Totozani. The Major Basha claimed that all necessary measures are being taken after a related office has been opened in his own department.  Ambassador expressed his opinions on the violations against LGBTs by stating, “Everybody in Albania should live a good life, and that should extend to the region. We blame the Muslims, Christians, Jews, Greeks, Serbians, Bosnians, Croats… In fact, there is only 3 to blame: hate, prejudice and discrimination.” Then Totuzani stated; “Dictatorships in our regions made the lives of LGBTs harder. LGBTs are not asking for “more” rights, they are asking for the “same” rights.”
Later in the day, Xheni Karaj, the Executive Director of ALEANCA, took the floor and shared her opinions on the situtation on LGBTs and cooperation with international and state institutions: “I am sure the US Embassy did not organize this event because Albania was the best place for LGBTs’ rights and to get other countries become like ourselves. There is so much to be accomplished in Albania.”
In the afternoon session, Nevin öztop, Kaos GL’s representative, took the floor and gave a presentation under the name of “When Religions, Nationalism, and Militarism No Longer Clash: Homophobia?”. Öztop has shared the already existing Regional Network Against Homophobia initiative which has been held since 2010 with the participation of LGBT organizations in the Middle East, Balkans and Caucasia. She suggested the organizers that each network in the regions are given closer look and the local NGOs are given the support to organize events like this on their very own.” At the meeting, members of the Regional Network Against Homophopbia from Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia, Greece and Montenegro were also present.
Regional Network Against Homophobia meeting was initiated by Kaos GL in May 2011 and February 2012 and was held this time in the Balkans. The host of the meeting was the organization Queer Zagreb on the dates of April 25-29, 2012. The participating countries of the 3rd meeting were Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Georgia, Greece, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Montenegro, Palestine, Serbia, Tunisia and Turkey. 

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