01/12/2022 | Writer: Selma Koçak

We published 2311 content, including 272 columns, 77 illustrations and visual works and 1962 news articles in one year. 872 of the news articles were exclusive reports.

We published 2311 content in a year Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+

Illustration: Arel Talu, stock image for KaosGL.org

As KaosGL.org internet newspaper, we would like to inform our readers about our contents published on the website, from December 1, 2021 to November 30, 2022. 

We reunited with our readers by publishing 2311 content. 1962 of these content were news articles, 272 of them were columns and 77 of them were cartoons and illustrations. We overreached the visible LGBTI+ agenda and narrated the experiences in depth with 872 exclusive reports. 

Our volunteer reporters, writers and illustrators strengthened KaosGL.org publishing by producing 747 content. The total number of exclusive reports prepared by KaosGL.org editors was 471.

We published 209 articles and columns in English, which consists 9 percent of our total content. KaosGL.org brought the global LGBTI+ agenda to its readers from Turkey with 188 English to Turkish translations.

We publicized the work  and studies of LGBTI+ organizations with 857 content; brought up the work of other human rights organizations in the field of LGBTI+ rights with another 477 reports. 428 items were published regarding the studies and reports of Kaos GL Association. We received support from LGBTI+ right defenders during the preparation of 436 content.

We published 11 podcasts in one year.

Tags: media