23/01/2025 | Writer: Kaos GL

The police said that the film screening was banned by the decision of the Ankara Governorate. The ban, which was notified to the Mülkiyeliler, was not published on the official website and social media accounts of the Governorate.

13th Pink Life Queerfest's documentary screening at Mülkiyeliler banned by police Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+

The 13th Pink Life Queerfest kicked off yesterday (22 January) with an opening ceremony open only to invited guests . The 7th Zeliş Deniz Queer Cinema Award Ceremony was also held at the opening ceremony.

The first event of the festival will be held today at 17.00 at the Mülkiyeliler Association with the programme ‘BELLEKVARİ: An Oral History of QueerFest’ film screening was planned. However, the police went to the Union of Mülkiyeliler before the screening and said that the event was banned.

In the decision notified to the Union of Mülkiyeliler, it was stated that the Ankara Governorate Legal Affairs Branch Directorate banned the film screening with a decision taken today. The ban decision in the document was not published on the official website or social media accounts of the Ankara Governorate.

Although the ban decision stated that ‘cinema, cinevision, theatre, panel, interview, documentary, exhibition, festival, press release, meeting and demonstration march etc. activities’ of Queerfest were banned, no date, venue and event information other than the screening at Mülkiyeliler was given.

In the ban decision, it was also claimed that Pink Life Queerfest events ‘exhibited attitudes and behaviours against general morality, including some social sensitivities and sensitivities’.

Tags: human rights, media, arts and culture