15/07/2023 | Writer: Selma Koçak
Gökçer Tahincioğlu wrote the lawsuit brought against journalists Deniz Nazlım, Sibel Yükler and Yıldız Tar for T24.

Gökçer Tahincioğlu brought case filed against journalists, including KaosGL.org Media and Communications Program Coordinator Yıldız Tar, into his column on T24.
Tahincioğlu wrote the case file against Yıldız Tar, Sibel Yükler and Deniz Nazlım as follows:
There is a great effort made on the part of the police to prove that they are acting in accordance with the law on paper, rather than acting in accordance with the law.
An example of this reality, which would be discussed in length in another county however slurred over in our country, emerged from the case file of Deniz Nazlım, Sibel Yükler and Yıldız Tar, three journalists who were prosecuted.
It was announced to entire press members that a press statement would be held in Ankara on July 5, 2022 for the arrested journalists in Diyarbakır. The press statement would have been held at the Atatürk Monument in Ulus Square, where is the allowed to organize press releases by the Ankara Governorship.
However the police intercepted journalists as they were heading towards the Square for the press statement. Somehow the Governorship had allowed two other press releases, one of which is made by East Turkestan Research Foundation and the other is made by Uyghur Academy Foundation, on the same day.
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However, that day the police led the journalists off stating that they could not make a press statement. And they intervened in journalists harshly when some of them tried to walk towards the direction of the press statement area. Three journalists, Yükler, Tar and Nazlım, who were following the events inside an arcade, were also told to move away. And they were intervened as soon as they moved. All three were beaten and detained by the police in front of dozens of people. All goings-on were recorded by the cameras.
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However the crime scene report sent to the prosecution offers us a completely different perspective. In the justification part of the crime scene report, it is stated that the police told the journalists that they could make the protest at another hour, however the journalists, who are lacking goodwill, opposed the police for other purposes. Their purpose is summarized as follows:
"… it is realized from the attitude, which is focused on opposing against security forces with the aim of creating so-called victimization (i.e. sharing photographs and videos, which are taken and recorded from various subjective perspectives by the pro-media members or backing persons around, while the police was trying to lead the people, who were acting against law, off or against whom they were taking a legal action), adopted by the journalists, who are all devoid of good intentions and it is observed that their purpose was also reflected to their body language.”
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It is a great mystery how journalists reflect their purpose to their body language while they were taken into custody and how it was observed and determined. However there is already a confidence given on social media via messages such as “Those who oppose our police will take their lumps.”
Bend over, here it comes again.
Journalists are suddenly being equated with marginalized groups and pro-terrorists:
"The purpose of this kind of attitudes and actions, which are especially adopted by leftist marginal groups, supporters and sympathizers of terror organizations and any other groups, which aims to encounter with the police and hope to benefit from this confrontation, is to identify the right to use force, which is authorized by the specific articles of Police Duties and Powers Law, the foremost of the laws authorizing the police, as a torture, ill-treatment, insult, violation of rights and etc., although it is used in case of necessity, that is to say when an illegalization or unlawfulness is observed, and it is seen from the way of behaviors of many groups and individuals witnessed formerly, that these groups aim to prevent the police forces from performing their duty and demoralize them by pacifying them, by sharing the issue on social media for disinformation in a continuous manner, and by trying to ensure that judicial or administrative investigations against the police officers as result of their complaint.”
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There are such sentences that it is impossible to cut them off. However in a nutshell, this is what the report aims to say:
(Journalists) want the police to intervene them. And they claim that the footage of the incident includes torture, ill-treatment and insult. They use all these for disinformation purpose. They aim to passivate the members of police force and to prevent them from performing their duty by demoralizing them.
A perfect plan:
You will get yourself beaten up, it is already known that the police never beats people unless they deserve a whacking, in addition you will demoralize the police and render them incapable of performing their duty by filing a criminal complaint against them.
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Moreover, three journalists had planned all these on their way to a simple press release. As a result, a lawsuit was brought against battered journalists on the grounds of violating Law no. 2911 on Meetings and Demonstrations, instead of the police officers who battered them. It is claimed that three journalists prevented the ordinary flow of life within the scope of the indictment…
Click to read the full text of the article in Turkish.
Tags: media