19/02/2024 | Writer: Kaos GL

The access ban on Hornet, which has more than 3 million users in Turkey, was lifted following an individual application

Access ban on Hornet was lifted Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+

The Hornet, which has over 3 million users in Turkey, brought a file against the access ban. The Court dismissed the objection of Hornet without reconsidering and conducting a hearing. Therewith the company made an individual application to the Constitutional Court via lawyer Kerem Dikmen and the verdict was rendered regarding the case.

CLICK – The Constitutional Court rendered a verdict of “violation of freedom of expression” on all access bans including Hornet

In accordance with the Constitutional Court’s decision dated 21/11/2023 and numbered 2016/1430, access bans to Hornet via its website, Google Play, and Apple Store were lifted.

“Access ban was unfair”

Lawyer Kerem Dikmen, who represented Hornet in the application, had evaluated this decision of the Constitutional Court to KaosGL.org as follows:

“The Constitutional Court had previously recognized the structural problem in this issue. Hornet is an application used by millions of people in Turkey, and it is not fair that an important decision about an application used by so many people is made so many years after 2020. This is a delayed decision. Grindr, a similar application, has been banned from access since 2013, while Kaos GL’s application regarding Grindr in 2015 has still not been rendered a verdict. We can say that this is an unfair situation in itself. I hope that this decision will prevent structural problems in other blocking accesses from leading to arbitrary practices.”

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