17/01/2025 | Writer: Kaos GL
Netflix admitted that LGBTI+ content was caught in the ‘sensitivity’ wall. DEM Party Diyarbakır MP Sevilay Çelenk reacted against AKP MPs: ‘LGBTI+'s have always existed and continue to exist'.

Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) Digital Media Commission convened yesterday. Digital content platform Netflix made a presentation at the commission. Commission member AKP MPs targeted LGBTI+'s in their speeches.
AKP MP Hüseyin Yayman, Chairman of the Digital Media Commission, targeted LGBTI+s by using the expression ‘desexualisation’ and said the following to Netflix Public Policy Director Pelin Mavili
"The main issue is desexualisation. Does the Netflix platform specifically support LGBT? Do you have such a broadcast policy preference? Do you broadcast series that are not suitable for the Turkish family structure for a special purpose, is there such a situation? Can you explain these well, the public is waiting for an answer."
Upon Mavili's response, Yayman said, ‘You see a wide variety of things on our screen, but this is not because of any pressure or lobby, but to be a screen where everyone can find themselves.
"This is the national sport of Turks, don't turn it into a touristic tour. I asked you an open question about LGBT, about desexualisation."
Netflix's defence: ‘We work with people who know the sensitivities’
Another MP who targeted LGBTI+'s in the commission was Zeynep Yıldız from AKP. Yıldız claimed that Netflix has turned into a propaganda tool and said the following:
"When we look at the content of the series, when we consider the scarcity of series that do not carry LGBT propaganda, we also have an intense suspicion about whether the news reflected in the press is true or not. Therefore, we are concerned that Netflix is turning into such a propaganda tool. In this context, frankly, I believe that there is a great need to diversify your publications and to diversify your publications that reflect normal family life."
Speaking after Yıldız, AKP MP Şebnem Bursalı claimed that Netflix made an agreement with production companies to include LGBTI+ themed content, and targeted LGBTI+’s with the following statements:
"There are rumours that verbal agreements have been made to include LGBT scenes in the content, we have been informed in this direction. I know that you say that you have a broadcast policy that everyone can find something from themselves. I would like to ask you once again why such scenes are in every broadcast and production."
Responding to Bursalı's question, Netflix Public Policy Director Pelin Mavili said that LGBTI+ representation is only included in foreign content broadcast in Turkey and said, "We work with people who know the sensitivities.’
‘We have nearly 60 Turkish TV series and films, if we had such an intention, consensus and policy, we would see such a representation in each of them, in Turkish content; I think you can observe that this is not the case. Yes, the representation in foreign content and Turkish content is different in number and proportion.’
Nazım Elmas from AKP to Netflix: ‘Are there any LGBT warnings in the content?’
Session Chairman Nazım Elmas from AKP also brought the floor to LGBTI+'s with his question to Netflix. Elmas asked whether LGBTI+ themed content has a +18 labelling and said, "Are there warnings about LGBT or genderlessness saying “This broadcast contains these”? ’
Upon Elmas' question, Pelin Mavili said the following:
"There is no LGBT warning. If this is a content that includes LGBT relations, it is already +18; this is clear, this is an issue that RTÜK is very strict. If it contains sexuality, it is already labelled as sexuality, but we cannot label individuals‘ images, preferences, lifestyles, sexual tendencies, which are protected by the International Declaration of Human Rights, but we can label themes.’
Sevilay Çelenk ‘LGBTI+’s have always existed and continue to exist"
DEM Party MP Sevilay Çelenk reacted to the targeting of LGBTI+‘s in the Digital Media Commission by saying “LGBTI+”s have always existed and continue to exist’ :
"It is not a correct discussion whether including LGBT content is encouraging or normalising because there are popular culture contents on all platforms where heterosexuality is intensely present. Why can't heterosexuality be encouraged then?"
CHP Deputy Ahmet Tuncay Özkan said, "Our party's stance on this LGBT issue is adherence to universal principles, adherence to universal human rights principles.’
"We are very sensitive about the protection of the sexual health of our children and the protection of the family, but we are also against taking this to dimensions that contradict the principles of universal human rights. At this point, we are in favour of universal principles."
Tags: human rights, media