09/08/2012 | Writer: Kaos GL

During the month of April 2012 we screened 253 news containing the words: gey, gay, lezbiyen, transeksüel, transseksüel, travesti, eşcinsel, biseksüel, ibne, sevici, queer, cinsel yönelim, cinsel tercih, cinsel kimlik.

April 2012 Kaos GL Media Report Launched Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+
April 2012 Kaos GL Media Report Launched
During the month of April 2012 we screened 253 news containing the words: gey, gay, lezbiyen, transeksüel, transseksüel, travesti, eşcinsel, biseksüel, ibne, sevici, queer, cinsel yönelim, cinsel tercih, cinsel kimlik. 33 of them were published in local newspapers, while 21 were found in magazines. Among the 126 news containing the above-mentioned words, 160 dealt with homosexuality and other topics of LGBT interest in a direct way. 52 column articles, 118 news articles, 23 articles dealing with culture and arts and 57 magazine articles were published during the month of March.
74 of these 253 total news dealt with human rights. Only 41 of them included the remarks of experts or LGBT community representatives. Positive role models were observed only in 16 news. Only in one of the articles taken into examination the names of the ones who underwent physical attacks were hidden.
In 89 of the news the words used by the journalists are to be judged as inappropriate (e.g. sexual preference, sexual perversion).  3 of the articles contained hate speech. In 79 of the news some stereotypes were put forward. 39 of these 79 are patently homophobic. In 5 hate murder news, only the statements of the aggressor were given. In 36 news LGBT people were criminalized. The visuals used in 10 news cointained bias motivation. In 14 news, LGBT people were reflected as sexual objects. 2 news contained discrimination to other groups. In 12 news, the violence against LGBTs was given as ordinary and in 4 news LGBTs were ridiculed.
Current Issues about LGBT
News including declarations by experts and LGBT organizations and showing respect to Human rights
Title: “Gays expecting appreciation from Cemil Çiçek!”
Newspaper: T24
Date: 20.04.2012
Genre: News
Author: Hülya Karabağlı
In the message published in the internet site “The New Constitution”, the Chairman of Turkish Grand National Assembly, Cemil Çiçek, thanked the individuals and institutions that contributed to constitution-making by letting their remarks known. In the thank list there were no LGBT organizations, so their reviews were disregarded. This situation was mentioned in Kaos GL’s website in April, 19th. In April 20th, T24 published news referring to Kaos GL’s website. This news included reviews by LGBT organizations which are sensitive to human rights.
Title: “Different Identities Discussed The Constitution”
Newspaper: Gündem
Date: 01.04.2012
Genre: News
Author: DİHA
In the news announcing the conference “On The Way to a New Constitution”,  reviews by LGBT organizations and human rights sensitivity were included. However, the title of the news was “Other Identities” and so LGBT identity and non-dominant identitites were marginalized this way. “Different identitites discussed. ‘In the conference “On The Way to a New Constitution’ the expectations of refugees, different ethnic groups,  LGBTTs, Women, Animal rights activists, the visually-impaired, the youth and Roma people were discussed.
Title: “Violence Against Women Act Deemed Insufficient
Newspaper: Cumhuriyet
Date: 01.04.2012
Genre: News
Author: Fırat Kozok
The draft bill on the amendment of the Law on the Protection of the Family and Prevention of Violence Against Women  was reported by Turkish Ecomomic Policies Studies Foundation in March. The report took place in Cumhuriyet with expert reviews and an emphasis on the fact that the draft bill excludes LGBTs.
“Dealing the violence within ‘the protection of family’ is overlooking the individual and his/her rights. The expression in the draft bill ‘women who are exposed or may be exposed to violence’ can be regarded as inclusive and positive but requires the interpretation of judges in order to include lesbians, bisexuals and so on.
Title: “A reaction to Gökçek from Nazlıaka, a Republican People's Party MP”
Newspaper: Milliyet Ankara
Date: 05.04.2012
Genre: News
Author: Ankara Milliyet
In a television programme on 02.04.2012 Okan Bayülgen asked “When will we have a gay mayor in Turkey?” to Melih Gökçek, mayor of the Great Municipality of Ankara, and Melih Gökçek said “We have got a unique culture and traditions. Our country is different from others. God willing, we won’t have a gay mayor in Turkey, this must not happen.” Aylin Nazlıaka’s reaction to these words was transcribed in Milliyet Ankara.  Nazlıaka said Gökçek targetted LGBTs with his words. She said that he holds a position that requires him to behave equally and provide equal service to everybody. However, he expressed his opinions about LGBTs. It is not acceptable to target LGBTs only a few days after a transphobic murder. Is his violation of human rights and his discrimination ethic? Melih Gökçek shouldn’t forget that he has to serve LGBTs who were centered in his subordinative discourse. Everybody has the right to elect and to be elected. His words are against human rights, equality before the law, and the Constitution.
Title: “Turkish Armed Forces: You Are Not Homosexual, You Are Neurotic”
Newspaper: Radikal
Date: 27.04.2012
Genre: News
Author: Erkan Altay
He couldn’t convince the doctors in Turkish Armed Forces that he is homosexual. Turkish Armed Forces consider homosexuality as a psychological disorder. Gülhane Military Medical Academy in Haydarpaşa diagnosed neurotic personality in Erkan Altay, and declared that he can serve in the army, but not as a commando. He said he is exposed to unbelievable psychological torture and mobbing.
One month ago Erkan Altay (25), a free-lance journalist, applied to a recruiment office for being discarded as unfit for duty. Then, he was referred to academies in Kasımpaşa, Gümüşsuyu and finally to Haydarpaşa. After the necessary interviews and tests, the doctors demanded a family interview.
Although Erkan said that he was not out to his family and his family couldn’t come to the hospital, the doctors told him that he shouldn’t mind this situation and they had to inquire his family about his development. They added that a military medical board was going to evaluate his case on April 24th. Erken met the board last week on Tuesday, and he told the followings about the meeting: ‘First of all, I met a doctor, told him/her that I was a reporter of Kaos GL, I had brought with me news and interviews I prepared during the last six years, and explained that the thesis I wrote for my bachelor’s degree was about media and homosexuality. The doctor said s/he had an academic interest in homosexuality as I did, and added that academic interest can not be a criterion. S/he asked me when I had had my first sexual experience, and if I ever had any with women or not. I told him/her that I had never had with women. Then, he asked me why I didn’t want to join the army, and I replied with worry about potential harrasment and bully. Then they said ‘Now, talk about your homosexuality!” I talked about my studies. I expressed my support to Mehmet Sevigen because of his parliamentary question for Aliye Kavaf’s discourse, ‘Homosexuality is a disease.” They asked me ‘Do you think it’s a disease?’, I said ‘No!’ They told me ‘Our job is deciding on which cases are disease.’ And I said ‘According to the procedures, you might be supposed to see this case as disease, but I’m aware of the fact that I’m not ill.’ They wanted me to see my case as they saw it.
Altay was shocked when he saw the statements ‘neurotic, fit for military service’ at the medical board report. He said ‘They used the ‘fit for military service’ statement in the report of one of the gays who came in front of the board like me. Maybe, they make things difficult because I’m not sissy enough.’ The hospital didn’t make a press release for the report.
‘Having to travel from one city to another’
Erkan Altay waived an objection against the report to the recruiment office, now he is waiting for being referred to another hospital. Lambda’s lawyer Fırat Söyle said ‘Even if the second hospital gives a CDD, he has to go to the third hospital which is authorized to approve the CDD. In Istanbul, only Haydarpaşa is an authorized institution, so, it seems that he is supposed to go to a hospital in Bursa, Gölcük or Gelibolu. He might be referred to Gülhane Military Medical Academy in Ankara.”
Erkan said ‘I will have to travel from one city to another, I am exposed to unbelievable psychological torture and mobbing.’ Now he is thinking of opening a file of action of annulment by the Military High Administrative Court next week.
Title: “Gays and Demilitarization”
Newspaper: Haber Türk
Date: 28.04.2012
Genre: Column
Author: Amberin Zaman
Amberin Zaman has prepared her column upon the news in Radikal, taking the remarks of Umut Güner from Kaos GL into consideration.
The title of one of the news published in Radikal was “Turkish Armed Forces: You Are Not Homosexual, You Are Neurotic”. It was about the humiliation of a gay person demanding to be exempted from military service. You know, gays are not allowed to serve openly in the military. Men who don’t want to serve assert that they are gay whereas gays who actually want to serve their country can not do it. It’s a shame that you have to prove that you are homosexual in order to be discarded as unfit for duty. Until 2008, you were supposed to prove it by visuals showing that you were bottom in the sexual intercourse. In some cases – when the photographs were thought not to provide enough proof – an anal examination would be done. When a detailed news about this shameful procedure was published in the German magazine “Der Spiegel”, such applications like visual proof demands and anal examinations broadly ceased. However, reading this news in Radikal has confused my mind: “One month ago Erkan Altay (25), a free-lance journalist, applied to a recruiment office for being discarded as unfit for duty. Then, he was referred to academies in Kasımpaşa, Gümüşsuyu and finally to Haydarpaşa. After the necessary interviews and tests, the doctors demanded a family interview. Although Erkan said that he was not out to his family and his family couldn’t come to the hospital, the doctors told him that he shouldn’t mind this situation and they had to inquire his family about his development. They added that a military medical board was going to evaluate his case on April 24th. Maybe his family aren’t aware of his situation, and if they find out, they can kill him, who cares? Yet, the story of Ahmet Yıldız, who was murdered by his father upon his coming out, is still on the front burner, and it was made a film this year as ‘Zenne’. When the day of the military board came, Erkan couldn’t persuade the doctors in the board that he is really gay, although he told them that he had never had any sexual experience with women. He was asked: ‘Do you think it’s a disease?’, he said ‘No!’ And then, he was shocked when he saw the statements ‘neurotic, fit for military service, but he can’t serve as a commando’ at the medical board report. His numerous academic papers and the thesis he wrote for his bachelor’s degree weren’t taken into consideration. We can infer from the situation that the doctors still demand ‘concrete’ proof – I mean visuals and anal examinations. I think Erkan might have been suffering from “neurosis” since he was exposed to the traumatic procedures, and not since long before the procedures!
So, when will the Turkish Armed Forces end these inhuman procedures? We stand for “demilitarization” in every aspect, but why do we overlook this one? Is that because the common perception is ‘homosexuality is a disease”? How many people who assert they are healthy live their real identity for a few minutes by entering “gabile.com”? The new Constitution should guarantee LGBT rights, otherwise the shameful procedures won’t end. A few people who represent a group petition for “sexual orientation” and “sexual identity” in the article regarding equality to the parliamentary Constitution Conciliation Commission. Well, what about the parties in the Assembly? How broad are their visions? I asked these questions to Umut Güner, the representative of an institution defending LGBTT rights (Kaos GL), and he answered: “Peace and Democracy Party has a very broad vision, Sebahat Tuncel from PDP has asked a number of parliamentary questions. Lately, Republican People’s Party has began to be interested in our rights. Aylin Nazlıaka, Melda Onur and Gülsün Bilgehan from RPP have visited us. Male MPs from RPP may not have preferred to join them in order not to be ‘misunderstood’. I asked: “What about the Justice and Development Party and the Nationalist Movement Party?”. He answered “No visitors came from them.” “But we have had a few contacts.”
Title: “Diagnosed As Neurotic – Not Gay”
Newspaper: Şok
Date: 28.04.2012
Genre: News
Author: Unknown
Şok presented this news in the banner. It is a good example by being sensitive to human rights and louding the discrimination of gays by the Turkish Armed Forces in the procedures to be discarded as unfit for duty.
“In order to get a certificate of disability or for discharge, he went from one hospital to another, but he couldn’t convince the doctors that he is gay. So, he was accepted to be fit for military service. Erkan A., who says he is exposed to unbelievable psychological torture and mobbing, is determined to struggle. The man who wants to get a certificate of disability or for discharge beacuse he is gay, couldn’t convince the doctors of the Turkish Armed Forces! Six weeks before, Erkan A. (25) applied to a recruiment office for being discarded as unfit for duty. But it was not that easy to be discarded. Then, he was referred to military medical academies in Kasımpaşa, Gümüşsuyu and finally to Haydarpaşa. After applying various tests, they gave him an appointment to meet the military medical board on April 24th. During the board meeting, he was asked when he had had his first sexual experience, and if he ever had any with women or not. He said that he had never had with women. Then, they asked him ‘Do you think homosexuality is a disease?’, he said ‘No!’ He was diagnosed as ‘neurotic and fit for military service but he can’t serve as commando’ by the doctors in the medical board. Erkan A. emphasized that doctors used the ‘fit for military service’ statement in the report of one of the gays who came in front of the board like him. Erkan A. waived an objection against the report to the recruiment office. Now waiting to be referred to another hospital, he is going to open a file of action of annulment by the Military High Administrative Court.
News From Kaos GL and other organizations
Title: “Purple Short Stories of Women’s”
Newspaper: Evrensel
Date: 04.04.2012
Genre: News
Author: extracted from Kaos GL
The call to Purple Stories of Women’s Contest organized by Kaos GL was included in Kaos GL’s website. The news was taken from Kaos GL website, and made use of an appropriate language.
Title: “A call from Kaos GL”
Newspaper: Özgür Gündem
Date: 27.04.2012
Genre: News
Author: extracted from Kaos GL
“Here is the call from Kaos GL. Kaos GL has announced it will take part in May Day with the slogan ‘We won’t surrender to heterosexism! Equality or nothing!’. Kaos GL made a written statement: “Shame on the ones who block us out from social and political life! We want a legal guarantee providing our equal participation to social and political life!”
Title: “A May Day call from LGBTs”
Newspaper: -
Date: 30.04.2012
Genre: News
Author: extracted from Kaos GL
Kaos GL announced it will participate to May Day demanding equal participation to every aspect of social and political life, with a slogan ‘We won’t surrender to heterosexism! Equality or nothing!’. ‘Even if the system that imposes heterosexuality on all ignores our sexual orientations and identities, we come from all walks of life as LGBTs.’
Title: “My Child”
Newspaper: Akşam
Date: 06.04.2012
Genre: News
Author: Seray Şahinler
A human rights sensitive news from Akşam.
“How would you react if you found out that your child or someone close to you is homosexual? You will soon find the answer in the documentary ‘My Child’. It depicts the parents of LGBT children. A courageous parent, Ömer Ceylan, who has acted in a movie for the first time, spoke to Akşam: ‘I learnt my son was gay when he was 25. We kept it as a family secret for ten years. Now he is 40. We have raised our awareness about LGBTs and want the other people to raise theirs as well. ‘THE PARTY IS TONIGHT’. A support campaign goes on through the site listag.wordpress.com for the documentary, which has been directed by Can Candan. A support party will be held tonight in İstanbulLive, with the participation of Laterna, Sumru Ağıryürüyen and Dj Darvador Sali.
Title: “Making The New Constitution with LGBTs”
Newspaper: Özgür Gündem
Date: 06.04.2012
Genre: News
Author: News Center
The “New Constitution Activities”, composed by a panel and a forum and organized by the Social Policies, Sexual Identity and Sexual Orientation Studies Organization, will go on in Amed. The Diyarbakır LGBT Constitution Forum of this organization aims at eliminating violence, pressure, social isolation and forms of discrimination based on sexual identity and sexual orientation. The last activity, Diyarbakır Forum, will be moderated by Banu Güven on 07.04.2012. The remarks and demands will be included in a report in April. And it will be shared by public and decision makers after making some modifications on it with the participants from provinces where no discussions could be done.
Title: “LGBTs Are Preparing for the Elections”
Newspaper: Taraf
Date: 23.04.2012
Genre: News
Author: Meryem Özel
Social Policies, Sexual Identity and Sexual Orientation Studies Organization has founded the Political Training Academy in order to increase the visibility of LGBTs and encourage them to participate in active politics. Some of the lecturers are Fuat Keyman, Ercan Karakaş, Melda Onur (MP from the Republican People’s Party), Ümit Şahin (the co-chairman of the Green Party) and Pınar Selek.
Ümit Şahin, who will give a lecture this week, said ‘There is a need for a system enabling LGBTs to participate in politics. We do our best for satisfying the need.’ One of the executives of the organization, Erdal Demirbağ, said: ‘We don’t expect from our trainees to be MPs. LGBTTs supported independent candidates in the last two elections.” One of the trainees, Polat, said: ‘When I saw the lecturers, I thought I would be successful. I am participating to the lectures fully, despite the bad conditions.’
World News
Title: “Custody in Russia for a Gay Propaganda”
Newspaper: Haber Türk
Date: 07.04.2012
Genre: News
Author: Foreign news
In St. Petersburg, Russia, two gays were taken into custody for protesting the law draft envisaging heavy fine for ‘gay propaganda’. These propagandists, who unfurled a ‘homosexuality is natural’ banner, are expected to be given a €12,800 fine. The City Council of St. Petersburg, the second biggest town in the country, has decided to give a 500,000 Rubles (30.000 Turkish Liras) fine for ‘gay propaganda in public areas’. The same decision was made by the councils of Ryazan and Archangelsk, too. The fine negotiated in Russia' s lowerhouse of parliament, the State Duma,is more than the annual income of an average Russian employee. Seen as a taboo, homosexuality has been considered to be a sin by the Orthodox Church in Russia. Homosexuality has been removed from the manual of mental disorders in 1999 in Russia.
Title: “Shocked by Imprisonment”
Newspaper: Akşam
Date: 12.04.2012
Genre: News
Author: Foreign news
The same news was launched in Sabah, too. In such sort of news, no remarks from LGBT organizations and lawyers were included.
“A gay-shocking law draft in Hungary. It has been declared that if the law draft prepared by Adam Mirkoczki, a MP of the opponent conservative party, Jobbik, is accepted by the parliament, gays in Hungary will be imprisoned. Mirkoczki demanded the out gays who are 18 and over to be imprisoned for 3 years and the ones coming out through media to be imprisoned for up to 5 years. Mirkoczki also demanded that gays who hold hands and kiss in public areas to be given a 150.000 Forints (€500) fine.
Title: “Medical Insurance Will Cover Gay Partners”
Magazine: Fortune
Date: 04.2012
Genre: News
“A gay civil servant got the right to include his/her spouse in the same insurance plan by winning a lawsuit in San Francisco, USA. Judge Jeffrey White has decided that same-sex partners will be included in the same insurance plan with gay civil servants by ruling the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional. The Defense of Marriage Act had been criticized for a long time. One of the interesting aspects of the decision is that the Judge was appointed by George Bush, the former president of the conservative Republican Party. The client, Rita Lin, declared that the decision would have influence on different areas, such as tax and retirement”.
News Samples Including Extreme Hate Speech
Title: “Perverted Alliance!”
Newspaper: Yeni Akit
Date: 05.04.2012
Genre: News
Author: Furkan Altınok
Yeni Akit has included news about Social Policies, Sexual Identity and Sexual Orientation Studies Organization founding the Political Training Academy in order to increase the visibility of LGBTs and encourage them to participate in active politics. The subtitle was “A support from a professor in Sabancı University”. Sabancı University and The Green Party were described as “perverts”. LGBT organizations were reported as “the fractions who have deviated sexual preferences”. Freedom of speech, freedom of participation in political life and engage in political activities, claiming their rights, which are most natural rights of LGBTs living in a democratic society, were reflected as threats by the expressions like “Homosexuals want to become ‘active’ in politics”. If we are to consider the violences and abuses of power LGBTs are exposed to in our country, it shoul be noted that these words may in no way be evaluated in the scope of freedom of speech: they are nothing but hate speech.
Title: “Gay and Lesbian Troops in The Kurdistan Workers’ Party”
Newspaper: Yeni Akit
Date: 06.04.2012
Genre: News
Author: News desk
The news marginalized and criminalized LGBTs. Here are some striking sentences:
“The Union of Kurdish Communities/The Kurdistan Workers’ Party, a terrorist organization, was made up of gay and lesbian troops”, “The organization uses gays in foreign transfers of its militants.” “The rate of the gays in the organization has risen to 15% during the last 3 years.”, “The terrorist organization persuades gays to join it by such words: ‘We defend you’, ‘We will support you’, ‘Come and join us, this will be our struggle for freedom.’ ” It has also been mentioned that for these reasons the gays the organization has gained are many enough to make a troop, that the Kurdistan Workers’ Party promoted homosexuality.” “The matter is the organization wants gays to say ‘we are gays and we are ostracized by society’ when it sends them to Europe. What is more, gays were made to have sexual intercourse, so that their situation will be evident if checked up.” “Former members of the organization talked about boys and girls being raped in the organization.” “The Union of Kurdish Communities, which gets a 15% share of white slave trade, uses homosexuality as a reason for foreign transfer of its militants.”
Title: “Erotic and Pornographic Plays in City Theatres”
Newspaper: Yeni Akit
Date: 09.04.2012
Genre: News
Author: Culture and art service
“Two plays by Murathan Mungan, who praises homosexuality whenever possible and propogandizes homosexuality in his books (he doesn’t hide his gayness and reflects this as an important side of himself), are being performed in City Theatres.”
Title: “Importing Disgrace”
Newspaper: Milli Gazete
Date: 29.04.2012
Genre: News
Author: Fatih Yedier
Gay marriages are legally recognized in some European countries and the number of gay marriages is extending. The day before yesterday in Fethiye, a priest solemnized two British lesbians’ marriage. That disgrace called ‘gay marriage’ was met by big reactions in Turkey. Ahmet Faruk Unsal, the president of the Organization of Human Rights and Solidarity for Oppressed People, said: ‘This marriage might be legal, but that doesn’t mean it is constitutional. The Constitution assigns to the government the goal to assure the continuation of the posterity. This sort of marriages are threats for this continuation and, as a consequence, unconstitutional.’ ‘Their children will come into being through sperm banks and be brought up in gay families. This will be a remarkable violation of a human right regarding the children, overtly, this is a culture import from England.’ ‘The English consumed sexuality in their consumpion culture and they have sexual intercourse with everyone regardless of sex. I see disgrace in this situation, and now they try to import it to Turkey.’
Homophobic and Transphobic News Samples Published in April in Different Categories
Entertainment News
Title: “As I Was Slandered, Kenan – The Watchman of The House in Tuzla – Went Through a Crisis”
Magazine: Elele
Date: April
Genre: Interview
Author: Ayşe Arman
Ayşe Arman made an interview with Ali Sunal and it included criminalized gay stereotypes.
“-Ali, come clean! What has changed in 4 months and made her leave the man she has been with three and a half years? Is that she thinks you are mean? Or is that you are gay? Which one?
-Ali bursted into laughters and says ‘Perish the thought! You can ask these questions to whoever knows me. They will say no. We broke up for other reasons. If they keep on producing misinformation about me, I will take legal action.”
Stereotype-fostering news sample
Title: “I Say To Myself I Will Be a Lesbian, Next Morning I Forget All About It”
Newspaper: Hürriyet
Date: 05.04.2012
Genre: Column
Author: Ayşe Arman
Ayşe Arman used sterotype-fostering expressions for lesbians in her column.
“I wake up in the morning and I say to myself I will be a lesbian! No more men! And it’s Alya’s friend’s birthday. What will Alya wear? How will her mama take Alya? Probably, she will have gone mad! She will decide to be a lesbian when she wakes up in the morning! She will say ‘no more men’! Why is a big amount of the responsibility on me? On her mother, I mean. My husband and I both work but why do I deal with these things on Saturday instead of her father? I want to work out and lose weight but there is no time for nothing! That’s enough! I will be a lesbian! I wake up in the morning and want to be penetrated by the same man. This morning my man was different. I went to bed at 3 a.m., I felt too tired to get up when Alya woke up at 6.15 a.m.. Her nanny, Maribel, is on leave for a month. So, preparing Alya fell to my lot. After all, I woke up and saw my darling prepare Alya, chose her something to wear, make breakfast, finally send her to school. He has succeeded in surprising me this morning. This is contradictory. One day I want to be a lesbian, the other day I say to myself ‘Are you crazy?’ and want to embrace and thank my man. Life goes on and our thoughts continually change”.
Title: “Becoming Gay After Paralysis”
Newspaper: Taraf
Date: 18.04.2012
Genre: News
Author: Taraf
“Chris Birch’s life and sexual identity have changed since he had a traffic accident when he was 19 and then became paralyzed. He said ‘since the paralysis, I have been gay’. He said he broke with his fiancée, resigned from his job in a bank, decided to be a hairdresser and started to live with his boyfriend. Chris was struck with paralysis while working out. Chris has visited the scene of the accident for the first time today. He told me about his transition: ‘I can’t recognize myself in old photos.’ Chris’ statements made a tremendous impression in the academic world. Dr. Kazi Rahman from Queen Mary University of London said that he studied innate heterosexuals and homosexuals and he suggested that the brain-functionings of homosexuals and heterosexuals might be different, so he asked Chris to take some tests in order to evaluate his case. After the paralysis, such transitions are not something new. Tommy Mchugh was a construction worker, and after the paralysis in 2001 he decided to be an artist, he started to write poems and to make sculptures.
Hate Murders
Title: “Transvestite Murder In a Luxury Villa”
Newspaper: Yeni Asır
Date: 08.04.2012
Genre: News
Author: Ufuk Baksi
The transgender murder news were reported in Hürriyet, Posta, Sabah, Ekspres, Haber Türk, Gazetem Ege, Milliyet Ege and Ege Telgraf on the same day. The news were criminalizing LGBTs.
“In Kuşadası, a county of Aydın, a transvestite was found dead in a villa, stabbed. A friend of her found Kadir’s (nicknamed Nükhet Rojistan) body in a rented triplex villa in Kadınlar Denizi Andaç Residence. The police started an investigation and her friends wanted the police to find the murderer/s.
Title: “Towel At the Terrace”
Newspaper: Hürriyet
Date: 14.04.2012
Genre: Column
Author: Ayşe Arman
The visual put together with the column fosters stereotypes. Especially when the news is about bisexual women, the visuals are inappropriate – they either recall pornography or criminalize bisexual women.
Title: “Brought Up By Women, But Not Gay”
Newspaper: Posta
Date: 15.04.2012
Genre: Interview
Author: Eylem Keskin
The interview is stereotype-fostering and it includes gay men stereotypes. The news also includes such statements as “I have been brought up by women, but haven’t become gay” as if having close relationships with women may cause homosexuality.
“I have been brought up by women. Just to eat pastries and cakes, I would skip school, I would go to women’s meetings with my mama, but haven’t become gay… rather, a sophisticated man. I can understand how a woman feels, her feminine spirit. In Yaprak Dökümü (a Turkish TV series) the director, the co-director, the operator, most of the cast were all women. That’s why men can’t like me. I used to be a naive boy, I have been brought up by women, but haven’t become gay.”
Title: “Gays Will Be Sad”
Newspaper: Şok
Date: 15.04.2012
Genre: News
Author: Unknown
“Brat Pitt’s publicist stated that the couple have got engaged, their children are very happy, but didn’t give a date for their marriage. By the way, the couple says they won’t marry until barriers in front of gay marriage are thrown up whereas it has been said that they can’t resist their children’s pressures.
Title: “Rihanna Disappointed Men”
Newspaper: Güneş
Date: 25.04.2012
Genre: News
Author: Unknown
“Accepted as one of the sexiest women in the world, Rihanna disappointed men by this lesbian relationship. She doesn’t hide her love anymore.”
Title: “The Transvestite Whose House Was Burning Confused The Surroundings”
Newspaper: Şok
Date: 15.04.2012
Genre: News
Author: Unknown
Transphobic news were produced after a transgender’s house was burnt in Istanbul. Some headings were ‘Transvestite Sahra showed off with an axe in her hand and stockings in her legs’ in Şok, ‘Transvestite got mad when her house got burnt’ in Hürriyet, ‘Transvestite terrorized with an axe when her house got burnt’ in Günboyu.
Title: “Alsancak Ferry Port, A Shelter For Transvestites?”
Newspaper: Yeni Asır
Date: 19.04.2012
Genre: Column
Author: Erkin Usman
LGBTs are exposed to more violence after this kind of discriminating news in local newspapers has been published.
“It was midnight. Cafes and pavements were full of people in Kordonboyu. Fish restaurants were about to be closed. Their commis started to take the tables in. Just then, some screams came from Alsancak Ferry Port. They were followed by swearings. The waiters of one of the restaurants ran to the port. One of them came back and described the events: ‘The transvestites who wanted to use the port toilet for prostitution did beat the security guard again.’ They had done the same thing last night. We need authorities here.”
Title: “The Women Officer Touched Me All Around”
Newspaper: Haber Türk
Date: 19.04.2012
Genre: News
Author: Unknown
Again in this news, lesbians have been criminalized. The visuals are problematic.
Sexy top model Bar Rafaeli (26) asserted that she had been harrassed by a female security guard in Heathrow Airport in London. She shared the harrassment in Twitter: ‘I was irritated by the body search at the airport: the female security guard touched and caressed me all, no doubt she was lesbian’”.
The same news was also given in Şok with the heading ‘She Accused The Guard To Be Lesbian’ and, beside, a large photo of her.
Reduction: Ozan Ezgi Berberoğlu

Tags: media