12/08/2013 | Writer: Kaos GL

Armenian Police Department has introduced amendments to the Criminal Law on administrative offenses last week, putting ‘non-traditional sexual practices’ at risk.

‘Gay Propaganda Bill’ Withdrawn in Armenia Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+
Armenian Police Department has introduced amendments to the Criminal Law on administrative offenses last week, putting ‘non-traditional sexual practices’ at risk. Luckily, the bill was withdrawn on 8th Augusut by the Chief of Police given its “given its shortchomings”.
Offered as allegedy protecting families, the bill does not give clear definition of ‘traditional sexual practice’, ‘non-traditional sexual practice’ and ‘propaganda’. Breaking the law would cost ‘offenders’ 50-250 times as the minimum wage, doing it via mass media multiplying the fines even further.  
LGBT activists in Armenia are uncomfortable with the bill, as showing who they are was on the way to be punished. Mamikan Hovsepyan from Pink Armenia said “in a secular and democratic state where our freedom of expression is part of Constitution, the term ‘propaganda’ should not be applied to peaceful acts.”
International concerns about a similar law in Russia still continues before the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics.   

Tags: human rights