04/10/2021 | Writer: Selma Koçak
HDP İstanbul MP Züleyha Gülüm, requested a Parliamentary investigation about hate speech against LGBTI+s reminding the Kaos GL Media Monitoring Report.

Züleyha Gülüm, Member of Parliament from People’s Democratic Party (HDP) for İstanbul, entered a motion about hate speech against LGBTI+s. She requested Parliamentary inquiry in order to ascertain the causes of hate speech and discriminatory language at media against LGBTI+s and deter them from all kinds of violence based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and anti- LGBTI+ smear campaigns.
Reminding the Kaos GL Media Monitoring Report, Gülüm emphasized that the number of the texts containing negative representation hate speech and discriminatory language about LGBTI+s have increased:
“According to the Kaos GL’s Report, Hate Speech has increased after the khutbah of Directorate of Religious”
“According to “Media Monitoring Report of LGBTI+ Representation at Media” from Kaos Gay and Lesbian Cultural Researches and Solidarity Association, the number of the texts containing the negative representation of LGBTI+s, hate speech and discriminatory language has increased after the khutbah targeting LGBTI+s and the campaign organized against LGBTI+s especially around İstanbul Convention. In the process of coronavirus pandemic, systematic and organized anti-LGBTI+ campaigns have gained a sudden intensity not only in the mainstream media but also in local media. In 2017, 1291 of 2388 news, in 2018 1130 0f 2278 news; in 2019 1493 of 2643 news; in 2020 2093 of 3459 news contain hate speech and discrimination. Having been published by a newspaper, the rapid spread of these kinds of news containing hate speech and discrimination in both popular and local press, reveals that these attacks have become a publishing policy.
“LGBTI+ hostility and enmity at media is neither accidental nor haphazard”
“LGBTI+ hostility and enmity at media are neither accidental nor haphazard, it is about the systematically targeted LGBTI+s and the organizations. Thus at the reports and the other monitoring activities of Kaos GL; it has been stated that in certain periods, in parallel with the statements of public authorities, ministers, the President, and senior public officials targeting LGBTI+s, policies of hostility were put into effect very quickly in the media. Discrediting, portraying LGBTI+s and the organizations as “marginal” and “extra-social elements” and turning them a tool for political polarization tendency are shining out among the most preferred hostility strategies.
“Especially since 2015, the government’s statements and practices targeting the LGBTI+ rights and freedoms, smear campaigns shaped around the İstanbul Convention, and the bans on LGBTI+ Pride Week and Pride Parade by the governorships at different cities, demonstrate that there is a conscious, systematic and ideological approach against LGBTI+s. Therefore the opposition to LGBTI+s institutionalized at all levels of the state has also found its reflection in the media. In this context, I propound and request to establish a commission of investigation to ascertain the causes of hate speech and discriminatory language at media against LGBTI+s and deter them from anti- LGBTI+ companies.”
“As a result of hostile and discriminatory language attacks up to violation right to life occur”
Gülüm, also stated that as a result of hostile and discriminatory language attacks occur up to violation right to life. Emphasizing that people are marginalized because of their gender identity and sexual orientation via ambiguous terms and concepts like “public morality”, “national and moral values” “Turkish family structure” Gülüm added:
“The problems of LGBTI+s, who are currently experiencing serious problems in accessing their rights, including the right to life, and who are systematically violated, are deepened by hate and discriminatory discourses in the media and prejudices are settled.”
Tags: human rights, media, life