24/03/2015 | Writer: Kaos GL
Kaos GL Magazine will focus on publishing experiences of women, LGBTIs and queers in its May-June 2015 issue.
Kaos GL Magazine will focus on publishing experiences of women, LGBTIs and queers in its May-June 2015 issue. The leading LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex) politics magazine in Turkey will discuss about the ghettos and transformative power of publishing in its 142nd issue.
Magazine’s call for its next issue is as follows:
As Kaos GL Magazine, we have decided to focus on “publishing” in our next issue. What made us question this field was the question “Can women’s publishing experiences transform patriarchy and heterosexism?”
When we started talking more about publishing, it seemed to us that women and LGBTIs are expected to write for their “own” magazines and these magazine turn into small ghettos.
Because the attempts to stay out of a masculine discourse might result in being out of publishing life and the alternative experiences might not be taken seriously.
Therefore, we find it important to discuss the ways for women and LGBTIs to write out of those ghettos, how they can be at the center of publishing and the whole process from call for articles to printing press.
We want to focus on the history of minority publishing in this region and publishing experiences of women, LGBTIs and queers. We kindly call all magazines, publishing houses, blogs, websites, fanzine, readers and writers to put their contribution in our next issue in order to understand the publishing process and make their struggle more visible.
You can send your contributions to editor@kaosgl.org until April 15, 2015.
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