27/07/2023 | Writer: Selma Koçak
The 191st issue of Kaos GL Magazine, which has been published since 1994, is on the shelves with the “Hope” cover.

July-August 2023 issue of Kaos GL Magazine was published based on the theme of “Hope”. The editorial of the magazine is as follows:
“When we look at the dictionary, we see that the concept of hope is defined as ‘a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen’. Well, what does ‘hope’ mean for LGBTI+s and activists?
It is evident that we live in a geography, where hope and courage are necessities for survival. Against all the odds, for some of us imagining another kind of world and perhaps following the traces of its possibilities is a fact that promotes the courage to continue. So, is it possible to ‘politicize’ hope?
We invite you to reflect on the concept of ‘hope’ in our lives in the 191st issue of Kaos GL Magazine.”
Who contributed to the “Hope” issue?
Furkan Öztekin with the article titled “Devam Etmenin Ağırlığı: Kişisel Arşivler ve Umut Üzerine Bir Deneme” (The Weight of Moving on: An Essay on Personal Archives and the Hope), İlker Hepkaner with the article titled “Müziğe Sarılmak” (Holding onto Music), Umur Çağın Taş with the article titled “Boyun Eğmeyen Kuir Filmler” (Unbowed Queer Films), Karin Karakaşlı with the article titled “Umduğun, Bulduğun, Kurduğun Hayat” (The Life You Hoped, You Witnessed, You Built), Aslı Alpar with the article titled “Mizah: Acil Durumda Umutsuzluğu Kırabileceğiniz Bir Çekiç!” (Humor: The Hammer You Can Break the Hopeless In Case Of Emergency!), Emrah Aslan with the article titled “Avrupa’da Aşırı Sağın LGBTİ+ Söyleminin Transformasyonu ve LGBTİ+ Hareketi: Demokrasiyi Korumak” (The Transformation of the LGBTI+ Discourse of the Far Right in Europe and the LGBTI+ Movement: Protecting Democracy) and Şeyda Akpınar with the article titled “LGBTİ+ Mülteciler ve Umudu Örgütlemek” (LGBTI+ Refugees and Organizing the Hope) contributed to the “Hope” issue.
And S. Bihter Kuranel, Nermin, Ali Bulunmaz, Arda Asena, Alper Turan and Umut Güner took place in actual pages with their writings and interviews.
Hakan Sorar also contributed to the “Hope” issue with their works on cover and the preparation of the magazine as a whole.
How can I access the magazine?
Online subscribers can read the magazine from its website. The issue can be found in bookstores or on the website of Notebene Publications.
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