22/01/2024 | Writer: Selma Koçak
The 194th issue of Kaos GL Magazine, which has been published since 1994, is on the shelves with the “Performance” cover.

January-February 2024 issue of Kaos GL Magazine was published based on the theme of “Performance”. The editorial of the magazine is as follows:
“The file on ‘performance’ offered us a conceptual space that we could open up for discussion from a wide range of different contexts. So we tried to approach the identity struggle of LGBTI+, queer art and different areas of everyday life through the concept of 'performance' with as many different voices and perspectives as possible.”
Who contributed to the “Performance” issue?
Asya Leman with the article titled “Queerleştiren Sanat” (Queering Art), Oğulcan Özgenç with the article titled “Performans Çağrıları: Çıktığın ve Tıkıldığın Dolaplar” (Performance Calls: The closets you come out of and get stuck in), Furkan Öztekin with the article titled “Aşktan Daha Derin: Blacklips Performans Kolektifi” (Deeper than Love: Blacklips Performance Cult), Kerem Selçuk and Hüseyin İnal with an interview titled “Yer Yüzünün Lanetlilerine Adanmış Bir Sergi: Nothing is Going to Hurt You”(An Exhibition dedicated to the Wretched of the Earth: Nothing is Going to Hurt You), Mertcan Karakuş with an interview titled “Sanatın Ötekileri ve Ötekilerin Sanatı” (Others of Art and Art of Others), and Yasemin Köker with an inerview titled “Eşref Yıldırım’la Performans Üzerine” (On Performance with Eşref Yıldırım) contributed to the 194th issue of the magazine.
And ChinaBird, Bilal Acarözmen, İsa Gürler, Ali Bulunmaz, Emel Türker, Aybüke Yardımcı Ardor and Oğuzhan Nuh took place in actual pages with their writings and interviews.
Burak Kaçi and Ateş Alpar also contributed to the “Performance” issue with their works on cover and the preparation of the magazine as a whole.
How can I access the magazine?
Online subscribers can read the magazine from its website. The issue can be found in bookstores or on the website of Notebene Publications.
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