26/11/2024 | Writer: Kaos GL

25 November Women's Platform announced that Ali Malikov and Parvin Alakbarov, who were detained yesterday, will be taken from Vatan Emniyet to Arnavutköy Repatriation Center today.

LGBTI+ activists detained on November 25 face deportation! Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+

Photo: ETHA

November 25 Women's Platform announced that LGBTI+ activists Ali Malikov and Parvin Alakbarov, who were detained yesterday during the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women in Istanbul, are under threat of deportation. The platform said that Malikov and Alakbarov were informed that they will be taken to Arnavutköy Repatriation Center from Vatan Emniyet today.

Nina Babazade, a friend of Malikov and Alakbarov , spoke to Etkin News Agency .

Babazade said, "Ali was an LGBTI+ activist in Azerbaijan. He had to come here. There was a risk of arrest. He is also a student here. Pervin also applied for a residence permit but it has not been finalized yet.”

Babazade stated that Malikove and Alakbarov were detained in Şişhane Square before the march started and said:

"We had a very short phone call yesterday. They were handcuffed behind their backs and beaten. They were also subjected to violence in detention. Ali is sick, he asked for his medication but they didn't give it to him."

Babazade said Malikov and Alakbarov will be taken to the GGM today and held for two days, after which they will be taken to court.

“Malikov and Alakbarov are isolated”

Nafas LGBTI+ and Trans Pride Week Committee issued a statement on the detention of Malikov and Alakbarov and their transfer to the GGM.

Nafas LGBTI+: Among those detained are prominent Azerbaijani queer activist Eli Melikov and a trans comrade. We are deeply concerned for their safety and well-being as we have not been able to communicate properly with Ali since their arrest. Ali and his comrade are isolated and have limited access to legal support, making them vulnerable to further risks, including possible deportation. This is an urgent situation that requires our collective action and solidarity. We demand their safe release immediately!

Trans Pride Week Committee: On November 25th, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, 2 of our Azerbaijani queer friends Ali Malikov and Pervin Alakbora were detained with police torture and reverse handcuffs. While 162 of the 169 detainees were released, 7 of our friends are still being held. We were informed that Ali and Parvin will be sent to Arnavutköy Repatriation Center. We are in danger of our friends being deported. We invite everyone to our struggle. Release Ali and Parvin!

Tags: human rights