12/08/2024 | Writer: Kaos GL

The website of Jiangzaitoon, which publishes LGBTI+ manga translations, was blocked for the eighth time. The website was moved to jiangzaitoon.pro.

LGBTI+ manga website blocked for the eighth time Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+

The Information and Communication Technologies Authority (BTK) blocked the website of Jiangzaitoon, which publishes LGBTI+ manga translations and creates a Turkish comics archive on manga culture, for the eighth time. Following BTK's decision on August 9, the website was moved to jiangzaitoon.pro.

The administrators of the website made the following statement about the access blocking decision announced by Free Web Turkey:

"Hello dear readers, The migration of our website is over! Our site name has changed to http://Jiangzaitoon.pro. A pro name for a pro team.

You can no longer access our site from http://Jiangzaitoon.dev! Please log in to our site via the link http://Jiangzaitoon.pro.

Our site may experience slowdowns due to the intensity and newness of our site, we will ask you to be patient.

Also, since we have changed the URL, unfortunately, the pop-up notifications are gone. Your memberships and the series you added to your library remain the same. All you need to do is turn our notifications back on. You can open them by clicking on the text at the top of the home page and user settings page, or you can open them by pressing the bell at the bottom right of the site.”

Tags: human rights, media