30/01/2012 | Writer: Kaos GL

Remzi Altunpolat from Kaos GL gave a speech titled ‘the Others’ Constitution, the Constitutions’s Others’ in the symposium under the name of ‘Waiting for the Constitution: Alewis’

Remzi Altunpolat from Kaos GL gave a speech titled “the Others’ Constitution, the Constitutions’s Others” in the symposium under the name of “Waiting for the Constitution: Alewis”
Organized by Hacı Bektaş Veli Anatolian Cultural Foundation and Alewi Institute, the 2-day symposium took place at the Dolapdere Campus of  Istanbul Bilgi University.
Add Sexual Orientation and Sexual Identity on 10. Article
Speaking in the session named “the Others’ Constitution, the Constitutions’s Others”, Kaos GL activitist and member of HDK, Remzi Altunpolat said that sexual orientation and sexual identity shall be added to the 10. Article. Altunpolat reminded the decisions made by the European Court of Human Rights in the Member Countries’ fight against discrimination which is based on sexual identity 

Where are the Assyrians?

Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) Mardin Deputy Erol Dara said, “Once upon a time, Ezidis were living in Anatolia. But they migrated. Alewis are like them. There is no freedom of religion in this country. Djemevis shall be opened as soon as possible. In fact, Alewis should decide this!” and added, “We would not live in comfort unless the Kudish issue is solved. Do you know any administrator who is assyrian? Why isn’t there a high level assyrian administrator? Why is Ragıp Zarakolu in jail? Why were the journalists sentenced? Religion should not be stated in identification cards. The Assyrians can not learn their native language here.”
Cultures diminish

Yetvard Danzikyan, coloumn writer of Agos said, “Those having been oppressed have reached today’s condition. The State should find a solution,” and added , “The number of cultures in this country is rapidly decreasing. The State is able to add articles to make possible for the origins of cultures to live on. Greek and Armenian channels can be activated on the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT)”. (Özgür Gündem)

Tags: human rights