01/06/2023 | Writer: Selma Koçak

New Welfare Party Youth Branches Chairperson Güner, reminded once again their anti-LGBTI+ agenda even before their parliamentary members are sworn in the parliament and said “Having been sworn in, our parliamentary members should take a step for the closure of LGBT associations.”

New Welfare Party started LGBTI+ hostility even before being sworn in Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+

New Welfare Party (Yeniden Refah Partisi – YRP) Youth Branches Chairperson and Central Executive Board member Melih Güner, lost no time in taking action for the closure of LGBTI+ associations right after the second round of the Presidential elections.

Güner shared a post on his social media account and said “We have been noising it around for a while so having been sworn in, our parliamentary members should take a step for the closure of LGBT associations.”

Reminding the aims of New Welfare Party elected as a member of People’s Alliance Güner set the goal of “abandoning the regulations on gender equality” in another post.

Güner’s sharing had angered the Palace

On the other side Güner said “National Vision Movement Leader is in the Presidential Complex where he will take over the management after five years” by sharing a video including the moments when the President of YRP Fatih Erbakan was invited to the stage at the Palace, on the night of the elections.

Güner deleted the tweet upon the reactions however he didn’t make any statement on the issue.

New Welfare, which aims to close LGBTI+ associations, is in the parliament

According to the tentative election results, New Welfare Party secured five parliamentary seats by receiving more than 1,5 million votes across the country.

New Welfare Party President Fatih Erbakan promised to close down LGBTI+ association in his propaganda speech on TRT.

Erbakan devoted his ten-minute speech, allotted to presidential candidates and political parties on TRT to explain their election promises, to hate speech and said “LGBT associations will be closed down and they will not be allowed to make propaganda in public spheres.”

In addition to these promises which disregard the constitutional rights of LGBTI+s to organize, to associate, to assembly and demonstration Erbakan described homosexuality as a “disaster”: We will provide necessary moral and psychological support in order to protect our youth from disasters such as Deism, Atheism and Homosexuality” he said, and promised to give permanent positions to the trainers of Quran courses.

A protocol text was signed between Justice and Development Party (AKP) and New Welfare Party, which joined to People’s Alliance for supporting them in Presidential and Parliamentary elections, on March 24th.

The approved demands of The New Welfare Party, which has been brought to the agenda with Great Family Meetings that were organized with the aim of closure of LGBTI+ associations and producing and spreading hate discourse, were included in the protocol as follows:

 “We will focus our attention on eliminating contradictory provisions in the existing laws to protect the integrity of the family, on the legal regulations regarding the prevention of acts and perversions against our moral values and on the relief regarding indefinite alimony system.” 

Tags: human rights