27/06/2024 | Writer: Kaos GL

Numan Kurtulmuş, during his meeting with the Big Family Platform, targeted LGBTI+ individuals by referring to them as “deviant movements.” He emphasized that regulations for the protection of the family will be included in the constitution.

Parliament Speaker Numan Kurtulmuş met with members of the Big Family Platform and targeted LGBTI+’s in his speech Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+

According to Anadolu Agency, Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Numan Kurtulmuş met with members of the Big Family Platform, which has targeted LGBTI+ individuals through various statements and meetings organized on June 25, at the Parliament.

Kurtulmuş continued to stress the importance of the family in constitutional debates, directly targeting LGBTI+ persons. He claimed that family values are being eroded and insisted on the need to protect the family.

While targeting LGBTI+ persons, Kurtulmuş stated that “attacks against family values are unacceptable and measures should be taken against this.” He also mentioned that constitutional regulations on the “protection of the family” would be implemented.

During the meeting, the Big Family Platform demanded the closure of LGBTI+ associations, citing “LGBT propaganda,” and urged Kurtulmuş to prevent Pride Month events.

Tags: human rights