30/01/2012 | Writer: Sevim Özdemir

Sosyal-İş, making amendments in its charter in order to fight against sexual discrimination, gave no seat to any women for the Administration Board.

Sosyal-İş Changes its Charter for Sexual Discrimination Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+
Sosyal-İş, making amendments in its charter in order to fight against sexual discrimination, gave no seat to any women for the Administration Board.
The 13th Ordinary General Assembly Elections of Sosyal-İş Syndicate bound to DİSK (the Confederation of Revolutionary Workers’ Syndicates) were held in the Angora Hotel on 7-8 January, 2012. Nearly two hundred delegates from working places bound to Sosyal-İş participated in the elections. Woman delegates were ready in the elections and the General Assembly made essential amendments in the Charter. The General Assembly states to strive for including the discrimination of sexual orientation and hate crimes in the law.
Charter Altered Against Discrimination of Sexual Orientation
Violence and discrimination against women, militarist policies, war and ecological devastation were some of the issues in the new charter. The General Assembly took important decisions related to the world agenda, agenda of Turkey, work life and syndical activities. The solution of the Kurdish issue on democratic and equal basis, support for ecological life and end for gender inequality have become new areas for the Syndicate.
The decision made for work life encompasses “the provision of equality by taking positive measures on discrimination and segregation against those of different sexual orientations”. In addition, the definition of hate crimes in the new law and criminal law was pronounced as a new arena for the Syndicate.
No Women in the Newly Elected General Assembly
Positive decisions on women and LGBTs were made in the General Assembly. Since there is no provision about the “women quota” in the Charter, no seats were given to women in the Administration Board of Sosyal-İş whose members are 40% women. The Supervisory Board and Board of Discipline have one woman member.
Questions about decisions on sexual orientation and gender identity emerge since no developments have been observed in actions and deeds to eliminate sexual discrimination.

Tags: human rights, labour