30/09/2024 | Writer: Kaos GL
Keskesor Amed reported that a trans woman was attacked in her home on the evening of Friday, 27 September: “While our trans woman friend Sudenaz was murdered by two attackers with a sharp instrument on the night of 14 September, this new attack deeply affects us while we are still in mourning.”

Photograph: Serra Akcan / csgorselarsiv.org
As reported by Keskesor Amed, two individuals attacked a trans woman named Simge with a sharp weapon. The attackers took her hostage, beat her, and stole the money in her wallet.
In a statement titled “Enough is Enough!” posted on their social media accounts, Keskesor Amed referenced the murder of Sudenaz, a trans woman who was killed in Diyarbakır on 14 September, and said:
“While our trans woman friend Sudenaz was murdered by two attackers with a sharp instrument on the night of 14 September, this new attack deeply affects us while we are still in mourning.
In recent years, we have been targeted daily by the current government. On the evenings when we are singled out, we are attacked on the streets by those who seem to be chasing after LGBTI+ persons. They know full well that their assaults are met with impunity. The current government fuels hatred and signals to the attackers, ‘We are behind you.’ This open and systematic targeting by government officials, politicians, and bureaucrats only serves to increase societal hatred, discrimination, and violence.
We’ve seen this before. We are all too familiar with the transphobia, bullying, and violence of a system that remains silent when trans women are involved, leaving our precarious lives in danger. Everyone and every institution that creates space for transphobia, that fuels trans hatred, that encourages attackers rather than punishing them—are all guilty!
Let this be a reminder:
We will hold this system accountable every day through resistance and solidarity, a system that offers sentence reductions even in our deaths, that ignores us when our homes are stoned, that leaves perpetrators unpunished when we face violence and extortion, and that turns a blind eye when we have a close brush with death. Know this well: we can no longer tolerate losing even one more of our friends. We will continue to exist, to solidarize, and to struggle. Our solidarity and struggle will grow in every city where we breathe, especially in Amed.
We will fight until the end to ensure that those who continually threaten our shelters, our homes, and our lives are brought to justice.
Through our struggle, we will claim the lives that they deem unworthy for trans people.”
“Hear our voice, we want to live”
Keskesor Amed called on all democratic civil society organizations to stand in solidarity and continued its statement as follows:
“We extend our best wishes for recovery to our friend Simge and affirm our unwavering solidarity with her. We will closely follow the case of our friend Sudenaz, who was murdered, and we will fight tirelessly until those responsible are held accountable with the harshest penalties.
We call upon all democratic mass organizations, political parties, trade unions, NGOs, and institutions working in the field of human rights, particularly women+ organizations: we do not want to die anymore; we do not want to be attacked. Hear our voice, we want to live. Do not remain silent in the face of these attacks. Let’s strengthen our struggle together. There is no salvation alone; it’s either all of us together, or none of us at all! Speak out against transphobia!”
CLICK - Trans woman murdered in Diyarbakır: Two suspects arrested
Tags: human rights