13/03/2024 | Writer: Selma Koçak

The Women for Women’s Human Rights Association prepared a policy document containing their expectations and demands from local governments.

“We remind politicians that hate speech and verbal violence directed towards women and LGBTI+s constitute criminal offenses” Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+

Visual: "Municipalities are able to do a lot for equality"

The Women for Women’s Human Rights Association (WWHR) has released a policy document outlining its demands from local governments ahead of the upcoming local elections. This text, crafted through the insights, critiques, and suggestions gathered from experts in the Human Rights Education Program for Women, also encompasses demands concerning LGBTI+ individuals.

The policy text highlights objections to the assaults by right-wing political factions on the rights of both women and LGBTI+ individuals. Additionally, it criticizes the stances of left-wing parties that fail to explicitly champion gender equality or prioritize it within their political agendas.

The policy document contains the following declarations:

“We reject the racist, marginalizing, discriminatory, and divisive debates and rhetoric surrounding women, LGBTI+ individuals, refugees, and Kurds prior to every election, as well as the opposition’s failure to formulate a substantive policy and stance against these discourses. We remind politicians that hate speech and verbal violence directed towards women and LGBTI+s constitute criminal offenses and a violation of fundamental human rights.”

The policy document underscores the necessity for local governments to establish cities that are inclusive, accessible, and participatory. It advocates for municipalities to integrate gender equality into all their services and policies as a fundamental principle.

Some of the demands are as follows:

·       Municipalities are urged to formulate local equality action plans in collaboration with civil society organizations, women, and LGBTI+ individuals.

·       Budgeting processes should prioritize gender equality, allocating adequate resources from the budget to establish services catering to the needs of women, children, and LGBTI+ individuals.

·       To facilitate access to sexual and reproductive health services, municipalities should establish counseling units offering information on sexuality and contraceptive methods. Additionally, free testing for conditions such as HIV and HPV, along with screening services like gynecological examinations, ultrasounds, and mammograms, should be made available.

·       Urban planning should prioritize the creation of women and LGBTI+ friendly cities, incorporating earthquake-resistant zoning plans. Furthermore, disaster management plans should include the active participation of women and LGBTI+ individuals to ensure their needs are addressed during emergencies.

·       Local governments are encouraged to support civil society organizations in their campaigns against infringements on women’s and LGBTI+ rights, demonstrating solidarity with these marginalized communities.

Tags: human rights, women, health