18/02/2021 | Writer: Kaos GL

328 NGOs from Turkey called on the authorities to give up hate speech against LGBTI+s, reverse the decision to close the LGBTI+ Studies Club, stop police violence and detentions, and release all arrested students.

328 NGOs: Stop hate speech against LGBTI+s and police violence Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+

328 NGOs from Turkey issued a joint statement against the police violence at Boğaziçi University, smear and hate campaigns towards LGBTI+s and the closure of Boğaziçi University LGBTI+ Studies Club.

The NGOs shared the statement at the website called beraberiz.org (we are together). Full text of the statement follows:

“As civil society organizations struggling for equality, justice, freedom and our rights, we are monitoring the developments that follow the appointment of the rectorate at Boğaziçi University on January 1st.

“Police violence, detentions and arrests against people who exercise their constitutional rights, including Boğaziçi University students in particular, hate campaigns towards LGBTI+s by high level public authorities, and the closure of Boğaziçi University LGBTI+ Studies Club are not legitimate and acceptable under any circumstances. We stand by students' democratic university demands. LGBTI+ rights struggle is the struggle of all of us.

“We call on the authorities to give up hate speech against LGBTI+s, reverse the decision to close the LGBTI+ Studies Club, stop police violence and detentions, and release all arrested students.

“We existed, we exist, we will exist!”

Tags: human rights, education