12/05/2021 | Writer: Kaos GL
Interview with Vera Hofmann: I think some of us are still not fully accepting how massive and intentional hegemonic structures are and how deeply we have internalized them, that we reproduce them constantly.
12 Moons site-specific installation, films/videos, Schwules Museum, Berlin, DE, 2018-2019
In the scope of the Kaos GL Associations’ Artist Residency Program, Ankara Queer Art, Can Akgümüş interviewed Vera Hofmann:
“The problem with having privilege is that it can be deliberately abused or simply just not perceived or acknowledged. And when that is pointed out, the defensive reactions can be very harsh. Privilege can come with a distorted view of a situation, a different perception of what is needed and with a lack of empathy. Activism or “wanting to do good in the world” from a position of unprocessed privilege can then consequentially be done poorly, in tokenizing or painful ways that might even stabilize the original privilege. On first notice the privileged have no disadvantage from their privileged position. But all divide has consequences for both sides. Looking through an intersectional lens we understand more of the necessary nuances. Privilege is a great analytical tool but we also have to keep in mind that having access to such tools is also a privilege. As much as I think it is vital for social change that each of us who is (response-)able to do the life-long, hard, sometimes painful work around one’s own material. I hope we find ways of solidarity and communication with each other beyond individualizing the problem too much. In a privileged position we have to work through our mistakes and understand that our feelings of guilt and shame are part of the problem, too. It think some of us are still not fully accepting how massive and intentional hegemonic structures are and how deeply we have internalized them, that we reproduce them constantly. It would be too easy if it were simple.”
Click Ankara Queer Art’s website for the full interview.
Tags: arts and culture