09/05/2012 | Writer: Kaos GL
IDAHO (International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia) Committee coordinator Joel Bedos spoke to kaosgl.org on the election of François Hollande as the new president of France.
“The commitments the socialist candidate took for LGBT rights are clearly in response to both the most active lobby efforts of the LGBT community and the most consensual topics with the public opinion.”
IDAHO (International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia) Committee coordinator Joel Bedos spoke to kaosgl.org on the election of François Hollande as the new president of France.
Linking the promises of the Socialist candidate for LGBT rights to the active lobby efforts of the LGBT community and the most consensual topics with the public opinion, Bedos provided these information: “As polls indicate that 64% of French people support marriage equality and over 50% are in favor of the recognition of the second parent in same-sex families, these two measures featured among the 62 proposals of the Socialist Party, which also include access to fertilisation for lesbian couples.”
“The outrage and ridicule provoked by recent conservative elements of Sarkozy’s Party”
Bedos then added: “Interestingly, these issues which were highly controversial during the last presidential elections in 2007 and attracted lots of media attention then, went virtually unnoticed this time. The financial and economical crisis is certainly the main reason for this, but the outrage and ridicule provoked by recent conservative elements of Sarkozy’s UMP party -with one MP denying homosexual deportation and another comparing homosexuality to zoophilia- probably helped keeping these issues away from the table.”
“Both candidates have underlined as much as they possibly could that there will be no exemption from secularism”
“On non-catholic French, I’m not sure there is much to say if you take religion as an angle. There have been heated debates on the issue of secularism and both candidates have underlined as much as they possibly could that there will be no exemption from secularism, no halal food in public schools, no gender segregation in public facilities like swimming pools, no authorisation of burqa etc…”
“Extending the right to vote to non-EU citizens in local elections”
“One of the key reforms of the socialists, which is to extend the right to vote to non-EU citizens in local elections has been portrayed by the right as a matter of religion.”
Related news:
“The Only Candidate for LGBTs and Muslims”
“Liberté Egalité Fraternité” Promise from François Hollande to LGBTs!
Photograpgh: Matthieu Lepoint
Tags: life