14/09/2023 | Writer: Kaos GL
Approved by the Radio and Television Supreme Council, the video calling for the hate rally planned to be held in İstanbul on September 17th, was broadcast as a public service announcement.

Approved by the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK), the video calling for the hate rally planned to be held in İstanbul on September 17th, was broadcast as a public service announcement.
The video, which calls for a hate rally against the right to life of LGBTI+s, contains misinformation and unsubstantiated claims designed to manipulate the public.
The content of the video, which was broadcast as a public service announcement, includes statements such as “The number of children undergoing gender reassignment therapy is rapidly increasing”, “If this trend is not stopped, we will not have children and young people celebrating the national days of 23 April and 19 May in the future.”
The video promoting LGBTI+ hostility “for the sake of children, the family and humanity” will be broadcast as a public service announcement!
A similar video calling was broadcast as a public service announcement before the hate rallies last year as well and Kaos GL Association had filed a lawsuit against RTÜK on the grounds of broadcasting the hate rally as a public service ad.
Tags: human rights, media