17/09/2011 | Writer: Kaos GL
Making a declaration for the start of new academic year, Kaos GL Association mentioned the problems and requests of LGBT students and wanted ‘LGBT students reality’ to be acknowledged.
Making a declaration for the start of new academic year, Kaos GL Association mentioned the problems and requests of LGBT students and wanted “LGBT students reality” to be acknowledged.
Demanding the abandonment of heterosexual socialization policies for LGBT students, Kaos GL drew attention to the fact that what everyone agrees on is that educational problems endure. In the association's declaration, it was emphasized that it is a ground everyone agrees on that LGBT students are subjected to heterosexual socialization.
“Compulsory education turns into compulsory heterosexuality for LGBTs!”
Stating that in current education system “compulsory education turns into compulsory heterosexuality”, Kaos GL remarked that “LGBT students are not offered the chance and opportunity to gain their own specific personality and for that reason, LGBT students are having difficulties with integrating into society due to the psychological, social and cultural problems they face in formal education.
Pointing the fact that apart from heterosexual students' problems, LGBT students are exposed to a psychological and physical encapsulation, Kaos GL made declaration for the start of new academic year and listed up the problems and requests of LGBT students as follows:
“LGBT Students Reality Should Be Acknowledged!”
Acknowledgement of LGBT students reality and thus new policies regarding the issue would be peaceful and propelling for the solution of problems in education system. Therefore, LGBT students would express themselves without being discriminated or abused.
When LGBT individuals are no longer invisible during their academic process, first of all teachers, parents, educators, psychologists, syndicators and anyone who works with LGBT associations and in education area would be able to follow and take responsibility for the practice of peaceful policies.
“LGBT educators keep silent against heterosexual socialization due to career concerns!”
In the current situation, LGBT students are undergoing a very difficult socialization process which forces them to fit in heterosexist norms in the hands of educators who underwent an education system of which the main principle is to ignore the other. LGBT educator who also underwent the very same system are keeping silent with the fear that they can lose their jobs or be marginalized.
“LGBT Students' Nightmare: Secondary Education!”
For LGBT students, the period of secondary education and high school is experienced as a nightmare. In spite of the all pressure and direnctions in the process of heterosexual socialization, for those who find out about themselves and who do no fit heterosexual norms new problems appear.
Since it is time to prove themselves, heterosexual students are not settled with making fun of LGBT students and bullying takes place as well.
Bullying is added to mocking and marginalization because it is known that the “blame” will be put on LGBT students' sexual orientation and gender identity by school administration and counsellors! LGBT students know that rejecting to deny themselves may even lead to be expelled from the school.
“The Success of Heterosexual Socialization Lies in Postponement of Conflict!”
Under these circumstances majority of LGBT students are forced to supress themselves even before they are aware of themselves. They would be awarded with hell if they follow the majority and pretend to be heterosexual. Heterosexual socialization is successful as long as an LGBT student perceives his/her situation as something wrong or as an illness!
However, the success would be an illusionary one. An LGBT student would be as “heterosexual” as a Kurdish child is made a “Turk” by being taught Turkish.
“Compulsory heterosexuality policies aim at the assimilation of LGBT students!”
Compulsory heterosexuality policies presents the heterosexual relationship as the only unique natural relationship and absolutizes it. Course books only describes those relationships. Educators make propaganda of only this type of relationships. LGBT students keep silent and approve of the assimilation attacks to their body and soul.
“We do not want the right to lose our self-confidence and hate ourselves!”
As Kaos GL Association, we say no to education policies which forces LGBT students to deny their personality, pride and soul!
We want equality, not the right to lose our self-confidence and hate ourselves!
LGBT students' right to define themselves, appear as they are and express themselves should be acknowledged and the physical conditions to it should be provided!
“Course books should be free of homophobia!”
Sexual orientation and gender identity should be defined in course books and they should be free of sexist/homophobic/transphobic discriminatory expressions. LGBT students' suggestions and says should be considered regarding how social issues should be covered in courses.
LGBT students should have the right not to attend courses like National Security and Physical Education where women and LGBTs are humiliated and people compete with one another.
“Counselling services should not point at LGBT students!”
Schoold administration and counselling services should not point at LGBT students! It's LGBT students' decision to come out or not to whom, when and how.
New channels should be opened for counsellors to work with LGBT associations!
“Investigations and punishments should be ended!”
Pejorative expressions for LGBTs should not be used in classrooms. LGBT students using their self-defense right against verbal or physcial abuses should not be punished!
Educators who lost their jobs and students expelled from the school due to being or being assumed to be LGBT should be invited back, apologized and their loses should be compensated!
Kaos GL Association
16 September 2011, Friday
Tags: human rights, education