04/02/2025 | Writer: Kaos GL

In its information request, Kaos GL Association also asked whether students engaged in LGBTI+ activism were expelled from dormitories.

Kaos GL asked the General Directorate of Credit and Dormitories: What are you doing to ensure LGBTI+ students' right to equal accommodation in dormitories? Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+

Kaos GL Association made an information request to the General Directorate of Credit and Dormitories of the Ministry of Youth and Sports (KYGM).

In its application for obtaining information through the Presidential Communication Centre (CİMER), the association asked whether the Directorate has implemented a special policy or regulation to ensure LGBTI+ students' right to safe and equal accommodation in dormitories under the General Directorate of Credit and Dormitories.

The application for access to information also included questions on whether the staff of the General Directorate of Credit Dormitories were given special training on LGBTI+ rights, whether awareness-raising activities were carried out and the content of such trainings.

The association also asked the directorate whether students who peacefully express their demands for rights by using their constitutional rights or due to their activism in the field of LGBTI+ rights are dismissed from dormitories.

In addition, the Directorate was also asked whether a special service is provided to ensure access to psychological support services for LGBTI+ students staying in dormitories under the Directorate of Credit and Dormitories and whether there are experts trained in this field in psychological counselling units.

Kaos GL's questions to the General Directorate of Credit and Dormitories

1. Is there a special policy or regulation to ensure LGBTI+ students' right to safe and equal accommodation in dormitories affiliated to the DGMM?

2. Are there any trainings on LGBTI+ issues provided to KYGM staff? Can you share information about the content of these trainings? Are there any awareness raising activities?

3. Are students who peacefully express their demands for rights by using their constitutional rights or due to their activism in the field of LGBTI+ rights dismissed from dormitories?

4. Is a special service provided to ensure access to psychological support services for LGBTI+ students staying in dormitories affiliated to the KYGM? Are there experts trained in this field in psychological counselling units? What is the content of these trainings?

Tags: human rights, education