29/05/2012 | Writer: Kaos GL

European Commission’s annual consultations with civil society on Progress Reports were held in Brussels from the 23rd to 25th of May with the participation of Western Balkan countries and Turkey.

Kaos GL explained the situation of LGBT people to the European Commission Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+
European Commission’s annual consultations with civil society on Progress Reports were held in Brussels from the 23rd to 25th of May with the participation of Western Balkan countries and Turkey.
With reference to the consultations Kaos GL had meetings with Directorate-General for Enlargement, European External Action Service and Directorate-General for Justice.
Kaos GL presented its LGBT Human Rights Report by highlighting that there is no legal protection for LGBTs in Turkey. Furthermore, Kaos GL mentioned LGBT movement’s advocacy work regarding the rewriting process of the Constitution.
ILGA Europe supported the meetings.   

Tags: life