17/10/2024 | Writer: Kaos GL

In September, LGBTI+ persons mostly applied to Pink Life psychological counseling line about coming out, emotional support and gender reassignment process.

Pink Life provided 41 counseling sessions in September Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+

Pink Life LGBTI+ Solidarity Association provided a total of 41 counseling services during the 12 days the counseling lines were open in September.

The Psychological Counseling Department provided 41 counseling services to 35 different clients.

The Psychological Counseling hotline provided written counseling 13 times and psychological counseling over the phone 21 times. 7 sessions of online/face-to-face psychological counseling support were provided. The cities that received the most applications were Ankara, Istanbul and Antalya, respectively.

The most common counseling topics were psychological problems, sharing, coming out, emotional support and gender reassignment process.

Tags: life