29/12/2021 | Writer: Kaos GL

“LGBTI+s are our children, siblings, nevews, they are our sons and daughters. We never exclude our children because of their existence, rather we embrace them.”

Reaction to Soylu from family organizations: LGBTI+s exist and we are standing by our children! Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+

LGBTI+ family organizations reacted to Minister of Internal Affairs  Süleyman Soylu’s statements targeting LGBTI+s: “Which parents in your neighborhood apply to you in order to develop and spread LGBTs in this country? Is there a single mom or a dad applying to you by saying ‘Let LGBTs spread. Our children should be more related to these kinds of issues?’ So what is the source of this love?” The families said: “ LGBTI+s are our children, siblings, nevews, they are our sons and daughters. We never exclude our children because of their existence, rather we embrace them.” as a response to Soylu.  

The full text of the joint declaration of LGBTI+ family groups including GALADER – Ankara Rainbow Families Association, LİSTAG - Families and Friends of LGBTI+s in Turkey Association, Akdeniz Antalya Families Group, Denizli LGBTI+ Families Group and İzmir LGBTI+ Families Group is as follows:

“Our children are neither wrong nor alone”

“We read at the media the question of Minister of Internal Affairs Süleyman Soylu worryingly. He asked in a speech he made within the context of a project called “Mukhtars in Turkey Hand in Hand” that “Which parents in your neighborhood apply to you in order to develop and spread LGBTs in this country? Is there a single mom or a dad applying to you by saying ‘Let LGBTs spread. Our children should be more related to these kinds of issues?

First of all, we would like to tell that the “spread of LGBT” is quite out of question. Being an LGBTI+ is neither a lifestyle nor a choice. Being an LGBTI+ is an existence. It is as old as the history of humankind and is widespread to the full extent permitted by humankind geography. LGBTI+s exist, no one can persuade another one to be an LGBTI+. We can say rather the visibility of LGBTI+s increased under favor of not hiding themselves, instead of spread of LGBTI+s.

There are surely mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, siblings and nevews of LGBTI+s. LGBTI+s are our children, siblings, nevews, they are our sons and daughters. We never exclude our children because of their existence, rather we embrace them.

As LGBTI+ families, we learned that the world was not comprised of black and white thanks to our children and we know that there is room for every color under the enormous rainbow which covers the world. We will go on standing by our children and supporting them as far as lies within our power despite all these discriminative speeches and the finger of responsibility because our children are neither alone nor wrong.

LGBTI+ rights are human rights. We invite everyone, who respects human rights, to contribute the struggle of our children to live in harmony with their existence and we wish a country where a minister of internal affairs does not target the citizens in the country and treats every citizen equally.

What did Soylu say once again?

Minister of Internal Affairs Süleyman Soylu, who systematically targets LGBTI+s, took advantage of a meeting arranged within the context of  “Mukhtars in Turkey Han in Hand” at Bursa Atatürk Congress and Culture Center this time.

Soylu, who never misses a trick when it comes to targeting LGBTI+s, asked “What is the source of this love?” to the mukhtars. The statements, targeting LGBTI+s, of Soylu, who answered his own question, are as follows:

“Which parents in your neighborhood apply to you in order to develop and spread LGBTs in this country? Is there a single mom or a dad applying to you by saying ‘Let LGBTs spread. Our children should be more related to these kinds of issues?’ So what is the source of this love, where does it come from? Surely from Europe and USA. How does it emerge? It’s a piece of cake. They have associations, foundations, actually embassies abroad. How do we remain standing? They attack via drugs, we remain standing. They attack by terrorism, we remain standing. They attack via economy, we remain standing. Why? Because our family structure is powerful. Our family structure is not shaken and we progress. They are doing their best to make our ground slippery however they were not able to succeed.”

Tags: human rights, life