15/02/2024 | Writer: Defne Güzel

Earthquake survivor siblings were expelled from their dormitory on allegations of “homosexuals”, sahibinden.com removes LGBTI+ ad, Erbakan and New Welfare Party are back on stage with their hatred against LGBTI+s as elections approach...

Violation of rights against LGBTI+s in January: 2024 began by targeting LGBTI+s Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+

Photograph: Serra Akcan / csgorselarsiv.org

Yeniden Refah (New Welfare) Party once again included LGBTI+ hostility in its election promises, saying that they would eliminate LGBTI+s from their provinces. Ministry of Family and Social Services demande Özlem Doğan, reporter of Milat newspaper, to be heard as a witness within the scope of closure case against Tarlabaşı Community Center (TTM). Koç University covered up torture, sahibinden.com censored LGBTI+ people. 2024 started with violations and targeting of LGBTI+s.

Violations of rights

Earthquake survivor siblings were expelled from their dormitory for being “homosexuals”, sahibinden.com removed LGBTI+ ad and Koç University covered up torture.

·       Gays are back on the agenda of the president of the Izmir Hamamcılar Banyocular Esnaf Odası (Bathhouse and Bath Attendants Chamber of Tradesmen): Nafi Karaca, when approached about the increase in water bills, stated that he did not rent out the bathhouse to gays because he feared it would tarnish İzmir’s reputation, setting aside the water bills issue. He had made similar statements in 2018.

·       Assault and sexual attack on transgender sex worker: The assault, which took place in Levent, İstanbul, came to light through a video recorded by third parties.

·       Earthquake survivor siblings were expelled from dormitory on allegations of homosexuality: Twin sisters were expelled from their dormitory on allegations of being “homosexual” after they were found sleeping together following the earthquake in Izmir. This incident shed light on the destructive consequences of discrimination and prejudice.

·       Koç University covers up torture of student: Koç University’s response to the torture inflicted on a student (F.B.) by two others, allegedly because of the victim’s Alevi, Kurdish, and homosexual identity, was to cover it up. The university’s handling of the torture sparked debates on social justice and human rights.

·       sahibinden.com censors LGBTI+ references: sahibinden.com removed an advertisement and suspended an account after deeming the inclusion of “priority for women and LGBTI+” note discriminatory. This situation once again highlighted the importance of recognizing LGBTI+ rights and combating against discrimination.

·       Barış Terkoğlu brought attention to the human rights violation suffered by Nazlı in his article: Focusing on the story of Nazlı, who was flagged by her teacher for discussing the human rights of LGBTI+ individuals in her composition, the article uncovered the violation.

·       Psychiatrist Dr. Mustafa Merter targeted LGBTI+ individuals: In his book titled “Hekaton’la Son Tango,” (Last Tango with Hekaton), Merter argues that there should be a fight against LGBTI+ individuals and the struggle for gender equality.

LGBTI+ Targeting Campaigns

As elections approach, Erbakan and the New Welfare Party have once again taken the stage, focusing on LGBTI+ hostility.

·       Erbakan claims, “Municipalities have become instruments of LGBTI organizations”: Speaking at his party's headquarters, Erbakan continued to target LGBTI+ individuals in January.

·       New Welfare Party states, “Without morality, there is social decay”: As they begin to unveil their election promises, the New Welfare Party has intensified its hostility towards LGBTI+ individuals. They targeted LGBTI+ organizations, stating, “We will eliminate deviant organizations from our cities” sparking immediate backlash on social media.

·       17 May Association becomes a target: The association’s publication, “A Guide for Psychologists,” has been targeted by pro-government media outlets. However, contrary to the targeting campaigns, the publication provides comprehensive information on principles and practices for psychologists.

·       The news coverage regarding the prostitution operation spreads trans panic through disease: A news report following a raid in Kütahya exacerbates trans hostility by linking transgender individuals with sexually transmitted diseases.

The courses of the cases

The ban order on the picnic planned to be held during the Pride Month, issued by the Şişli Governorship was lifted. The article regarding “general morality” in the METU Rules and Regulations Governing the Dormitories, was found unlawful by the court.

·       Picnic ban by the Şişli District Governorship was lifted: The injunction lawsuit filed against the Şişli District Governorship gathering and sitting ban during the 2021 Pride Week was fundamentally rejected. Social policy, Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Studies Association (SPoD) and Istanbul LGBTI+ Pride Week Committee took the case to the appellate court. The court overturned the ban order of the governorship.

·       METU Rules and Regulations Governing the Dormitories was found unlawful: Students can no longer be penalized for behaviors such as ‘acting against general morality within the dormitory’ or ‘making derogatory posts about university administrators on social media’ as stated in the dormitory regulations.

·       The Constitutional Court rendered a verdict regarding “nonoş” (sissy): The High Court ruled that imposing a fine on an individual for using the terms “noniş” and “nonoş” on social media constitutes a violation of freedom of expression.

Postponed Cases

In the Ecem Seçkin murder case, the charges of robbery and premeditated murder were not included in the indictment, and the court locked the door of the courtroom in the Ahmet Yıldız case.

·       Science Education Esthetic Culture Art Researches Foundation (BEKSAV) trial was postponed to April 18: In the trial where BEKSAV members are being prosecuted for wanting to watch the movie “Pride” the lawyer pointed out the unlawfulness of the event prohibitions.

·       TTM case was postponed to May 6: In the trial held on January 8, the Ministry of Family requested the testimony of Özlem Doğan, a journalist for Milat Newspaper, as a witness. The “İyi ki Varsın TTM” (So glad we have TTM) Initiative made a statement in front of the Çağlayan Courthouse before the trial, saying, “Tarlabası Community Center cannot be closed.” The provocative group that came to observe the trial was removed from the courthouse.

·       Ecem Seçkin case was postponed to February 19: In the Ecem Seçkin murder case, the charges of robbery and premeditated murder were not included in the indictment. The trial was postponed to February 19.

·       Ahmet Yıldız case was postponed to June 27: The request to hear the family in the trial was rejected again. The court prevented the press from observing the trial by locking the door of the courtroom.

·       2nd Ankara Pride March case was postponed to May 8: After the trial, when lawyers wanted to take a photo, plainclothes individuals claimed to be police officers and tried to prevent them.

Translation: Selma Koçak

Tags: human rights, media, life, education, health