19/02/2024 | Writer: Selma Koçak

TİP unveiled its’ election manifesto including steps to be taken for the LGBTI+ community.

“We are going to build an equal urban life together with LGBTI+ citizens” Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+

Workers’ party of Turkey (TİP) announced its’ local election manifesto. The manifesto underscores the commitment to combat the government's anti-LGBTI+ stance and outlines the measures to be taken in support of the LGBTI+ community.

The manifesto underscores the dedication to promoting gender equality, outlining plans to establish municipal units aimed at addressing core issues within the LGBTI+ community. TİP emphasizes its pledge to foster an equitable urban environment alongside LGBTI+ individuals. Here are TİP's declarations concerning LGBTI+ matters:

 ·       We will establish a dedicated unit for gender equality within municipalities, ensuring adequate staffing and budget allocation.

·       Training sessions on LGBTI+ rights will be provided to municipal employees to raise awareness and promote inclusivity.

·       Specialized support services will be developed for elderly members of the LGBTI+ community to address their unique needs and challenges.

·       Policies will be implemented to guarantee fair and equal opportunities for LGBTI+ individuals in all aspects of municipal employment, from recruitment to advancement.

·       Initiatives will be launched to actively encourage the employment of LGBTI+ individuals, with the establishment of dedicated employment offices and support units.

·       Vocational training programs will be organized to facilitate the participation and skill development of LGBTI+ individuals in the job market.

·       Social support mechanisms and protection services will be revamped to accommodate the specific needs of LGBTI+ citizens, ensuring their safety and well-being.

·       Health, care, and social service policies will be revised to incorporate the concerns and requirements of LGBTI+ individuals, promoting inclusivity and accessibility.

·       Comprehensive health screening programs will be implemented to address the sexual and overall health needs of LGBTI+ citizens.

·       Local events and initiatives will be organized in collaboration with municipalities to combat discrimination and promote diversity and acceptance.

·       Opportunities for employment within municipal organizations will be extended to LGBTI+ individuals, ensuring their visibility and representation in various roles. We will include LGBTI+ individuals in public areas addressing the society via communication tools.

·       Measures will be taken to safeguard the transportation rights of transgender citizens, addressing any discrepancies between their gender identity and official identification documents.

·       Psychological support services will be established to provide counseling and assistance to LGBTI+ individuals in need.

·       Efforts will be made to create safe and supportive housing options for LGBTI+ students attending local universities.

Comprehensive support policies will be developed to empower young LGBTI+ individuals, offering vocational training, employment assistance, and community engagement opportunities.

Tags: human rights