22/01/2025 | Writer: Kaos GL

President Erdoğan again targeted LGBTI+s and said, ‘The policies of desexualisation have turned into a global crusade targeting the family institution.’

In his ‘Address to the Nation’ speech, Erdoğan said ‘Desexualisation has turned into a crusade’ Kaos GL - News Portal for LGBTI+

President and AKP Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan spoke after the Cabinet Meeting at the Presidential Complex. Erdoğan announced that a one-day national mourning was declared for the hotel fire in Bolu Kartalkaya and also touched upon the Family Year.

Erdoğan, who often targets LGBTI+s with the concept of ‘desexualisation’, used the expression ‘crusade’ in his speech today.

Click- ‘This year the Ministry of Family will be the “battering ram” of discriminatory political violence’

Erdoğan said:

"We are implementing measures to strengthen the family within the framework outlined by Article 41 of our Constitution, which states that “family is the foundation of society”. We see that the institution of family is under a multidimensional siege that has been intensifying in recent years. Especially the policies of desexualisation have turned into a global crusade targeting the family institution. In the face of these insidious currents, Turkey is one of the leading countries trying to form a ‘fıtrat-centred humanity front’."

How was the Family Year declared?

In ‘Address to the Nation’ speech after the cabinet meeting on 6 January, Erdoğan also targeted LGBTI+s and said, ‘The LGBT issue is one of the most serious threats to the existence of the family today.’ In the same speech, it was also announced that 2025 was declared the Family Year

Click- Erdoğan targets LGBTI+ people, announces 2025 as “Family Year”

Speaking at the meeting of the Population Policies Board on 9 January, Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz attributed the decline in the fertility rate to ‘desexualisation’ and said that new legal regulations would be made.

Click- Population Policy Council convenes, LGBTI+s targeted again

The first support for the Family Year came from the Presidency of Religious Affairs, and LGBTI+'s were targeted in the Friday sermon on 10 January. In the Friday sermon of the Diyanet, it was stated that ‘desexualisation activities are heresy’, which is also used by the government to target LGBTI+'s.

Click- Religious Affairs Directorate targets LGBTI+ community in Friday sermon

The plans for the Family Year were announced on 13 January. At the introductory meeting of the Family Year, both Minister of Family Mahinur Göktaş and President Erdoğan targeted LGBTI+s. Erdoğan said, ‘The sanctity of the family institution is the primary target of the desexualisation policies in which LGBT is used as a battering ram.’

Click- The 'Family Year' was introduced, LGBTI+'s are targeted again: ‘Desexualisation using LGBT as a battering ram...'"

Tags: human rights, family